Threatened island species

  • Endangered species of island habitats


  1. Threatened species of Zosterops tephropleurus
  2. Threatened species of Zosterops natalis
  3. Threatened species of Xenicus lyalli
  4. Threatened species of Xenicus gilviventris
  5. Threatened species of Urocyon littoralis
  6. Threatened species of Tachycnemis seychellensis
  7. Threatened species of Sus scrofa riukiuanus
  8. Threatened species of Sphenodon guntheri
  9. Threatened species of Sminthopsis aitkeni
  10. Threatened species of Scotorythra paratactis
  11. Threatened species of Rattus tawitawiensis
  12. Threatened species of Ramphotyphlops exocoeti
  13. Threatened species of Ptilinopus rarotongensis
  14. Threatened species of Pteropus phaeocephalus
  15. Threatened species of Pterodroma sandwichensis
  16. Threatened species of Pterodroma axillaris
  17. Threatened species of Procyon pygmaeus
  18. Threatened species of Porzana sandwichensis
  19. Threatened species of Polposipus herculeanus
  20. Threatened species of Phelsuma guentheri
  21. Threatened species of Phalacrocorax featherstoni
  22. Threatened species of Phalacrocorax chalconotus
  23. Threatened species of Phalacrocorax campbelli
  24. Threatened species of Phalacrocorax
  25. Threatened species of Petroica traversi
  26. Threatened species of Peromyscus polionotus phasma
  27. Threatened species of Oryzomys galapagoensis
  28. Threatened species of Orthalicus reses
  29. Threatened species of Oreomystis mana
  30. Threatened species of Oligosoma lichenigera
  31. Threatened species of Ogilbia galapagosensis
  32. Threatened species of Odocoileus hemionus cerrosensis
  33. Threatened species of Nestor productus
  34. Threatened species of Neotoma martinensis
  35. Threatened species of Nasua nelsoni
  36. Threatened species of Nactus serpensinsula
  37. Threatened species of Mycotrupes pedester
  38. Threatened species of Monachus schauinslandi
  39. Threatened species of Moho nobilis
  40. Threatened species of Microtus townsendii cowani
  41. Threatened species of Microtus oeconomus sitkensis
  42. Threatened species of Microtus abbreviatus fisheri
  43. Threatened species of Micrarionta opuntia
  44. Threatened species of Micrarionta gabbi
  45. Threatened species of Micrarionta feralis
  46. Threatened species of Micrarionta facta
  47. Threatened species of Mergus australis
  48. Threatened species of Megalaperyx didinus
  49. Threatened species of Martes melampus tsuensis
  50. Threatened species of Marmota vancouverensis
  51. Threatened species of Macropus robustus isabellinus
  52. Threatened species of Machiloides heteropus
  53. Threatened species of Lewinia muelleri
  54. Threatened species of Leiolopisma telfairii
  55. Threatened species of Lasiurus cinereus semotus
  56. Threatened species of Ithamar hawaiiensis
  57. Threatened species of Iguanidae
  58. Threatened species of Hoplodactylus stephensi
  59. Threatened species of Haematopus unicolor chathamensis
  60. Threatened species of Haematopus meadewaldoi
  61. Threatened species of Haematopus chathamensis
  62. Threatened species of Glaucomys sabrinus griseifrons
  63. Threatened species of Gerygone modesta
  64. Threatened species of Gerygone albofrontata
  65. Threatened species of Geochelone nigra porteri
  66. Threatened species of Geochelone nigra hoodensis
  67. Threatened species of Geochelone nigra galapagoensis
  68. Threatened species of Geochelone nigra ephippium
  69. Threatened species of Geochelone nigra darwini
  70. Threatened species of Geochelone nigra chathamensis
  71. Threatened species of Geochelone nigra abingdoni
  72. Threatened species of Geochelone
  73. Threatened species of Gallirallus wakensis
  74. Threatened species of Gallirallus modestus
  75. Threatened species of Gallicolumba kubaryi
  76. Threatened species of Fulica alai
  77. Threatened species of Fregata andrewsi
  78. Threatened species of Eudyptes robustus
  79. Threatened species of Epicrates monensis monensis
  80. Threatened species of Epicrates monensis granti
  81. Threatened species of Ducula whartoni
  82. Threatened species of Dryococelus australis
  83. Threatened species of Dromaius baudinianus
  84. Threatened species of Dromaius ater
  85. Threatened species of Dromaius
  86. Threatened species of Drepanis pacifica
  87. Threatened species of Dipodomys microps alfredi
  88. Threatened species of Dicrostonyx unalascensis unalascensis
  89. Threatened species of Dicrostonyx exsul
  90. Threatened species of Deinomimesa hawaiiensis
  91. Threatened species of Deinacrida rugosa
  92. Threatened species of Deinacrida carinata
  93. Threatened species of Cygnus sumnerensis
  94. Threatened species of Cyclura nubila lewisi
  95. Threatened species of Cyclura nubila caymanensis
  96. Threatened species of Cyclura cychlura figginsi
  97. Threatened species of Cyclura cychlura cychlura
  98. Threatened species of Cyanoramphus cookii
  99. Threatened species of Ctenotus lancelini
  100. Threatened species of Crotalus unicolor
  101. Threatened species of Crateromys australis
  102. Threatened species of Corvus hawaiiensis
  103. Threatened species of Clethrionomys gapperi solus
  104. Threatened species of Chersodromia hawaiiensis
  105. Threatened species of Chelodina mccordi
  106. Threatened species of Chaetodon litus
  107. Threatened species of Castor canadensis phaeus
  108. Threatened species of Casarea dussumieri
  109. Threatened species of Buteo solitarius
  110. Threatened species of Buteo galapagoensis
  111. Threatened species of Bostrichthys aruensis
  112. Threatened species of Bolyeria multocarinata
  113. Threatened species of Arctocephalus galapagoensis
  114. Threatened species of Aprasia rostrata rostrata
  115. Threatened species of Anas wyvilliana
  116. Threatened species of Anagotus stephenensis
  117. Threatened species of Amychus candezei
  118. Threatened species of Alsophis rijersmai
  119. Threatened species of Acinonyx jubatus hecki

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