Mine dustBroaderHealth hazards in the mining industryPresentableDust as an occupational hazardPresentableNarrowerLimestone dustPresentableCoal dustYet to rateAggravatesLand rehabilitation difficultyUnpresentableAggravated byDust explosionsUnpresentableUnpractised dust controlYet to rateStrategyReducing occupational risk in the mining industryYet to rateReferenceInternational Labour Organization: Guide to the Prevention and Suppression of Dust in Mining, Tunnelling and QuarryingInternational Labour Organization: Fifth International Report on the Prevention and Suppression of Dust in Mining, Tunnelling and Quarrying, 1968-1972International Labour Organization: Sixth International Report on the Prevention and Suppression of Dust in Mining, Tunnelling and Quarrying, 1973-1977SDGMetadataDatabaseWorld problemsType(E) Emanations of other problemsBiological classificationN/ASubjectGeology » SoilIndustry » MiningContent qualityUnpresentable UnpresentableLanguageEnglish1A4NE4807DOCID11548070D7NID167989Last updateSep 22, 2021