1. World problems
  2. End of the world

End of the world

  • The eschaton
  • Doomsday
  • Rapture


The end of the world can be seen as three separate realities; the physical destruction of the earth and all of humankind, the collapse of one's own worldview and all of one's understanding, and the time when God will be manifested in final judgement and redemption of humankind. Rapture is the term given to the end of the world by Christian fundamentalists.


There are frequent reports of individuals and groups concerned at the imminent end of the world. Some of them base their beliefs on deductions from scriptures, possibly combined with very sophisticated calculations (such as those based on the Great Pyramid). Others derive their belief from information provided by seers and mediums, whether from the past (as in the case of Nostradamus) or from the present time. Some groups act on the belief by selling their property in order to be able to congregate at a particular location to await the end of the world. This may involve purchasing the right to benefit from the facilities at such a location, including use of reserves to ensure survival in the period of transition after disaster strikes. Some of the locations selected are underground in elaborate systems of shelters as a protection from any conflagration.

In 1992, at midnight of 28 October, thousands of South Koreans expected Christ would descend and raise his followers into heaven, leaving others to perish in a series of cataclysms. Many had quit jobs and given away their worldly goods. In 1993 members of the Great White Brotherhood active in the Ukraine expected the world to end on 14 November and were accused of planning mass suicides and acts of violence. There were three forecasts for the end of the world in 1998.

Christian Identity followers in the US believe in the inevitability of the end of the world and the Second Coming of Christ. It is believed that these events are part of a cleansing process that is needed before Christ's kingdom can be established on earth. During this time, Jews and their allies will attempt to destroy the white race using any means available. The result will be a violent and bloody struggle -- a war, in effect -- between God's forces, the white race, and the forces of evil, the Jews and nonwhites. Significantly, many adherents believe that this will be tied into the coming of the new millennium.

Monte Kim Miller, leader of the Concerned Christians group in the US, claims to be one of the two witnesses or prophets described in the Book of Revelation who will die on the streets of Jerusalem prior to the second coming of Christ in December 1999. CC members believe that Miller's death will set off an apocalyptic end to the millennium, at which time all of Miller's followers will be sent to Heaven. Miller has convinced his followers that America is "Babylon the Great" referred to in the Book of Revelation. In January 1999, fourteen members of the group who had moved to Jerusalem were deported by the Israeli government on the grounds that they were preparing to hasten the fulfillment of Miller's prophecies by instigating violence.


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Fear of God
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End of nature
End of history
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Sustainable Development Goal #13: Climate ActionSustainable Development Goal #16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions


World problems
(F) Fuzzy exceptional problems
Biological classification
  • Societal problems » Emergencies
  • International relations » Planetary initiatives
  • Content quality
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    Last update
    Dec 3, 2024