Hospitable common domainsBroaderInterchangeYet to rateInformal local perspective interface zonesYet to rateHospitable contexts for perspectives in transitionYet to rateBounded common small-scale interaction domainsYet to rateAccessible non-linearityYet to rateNarrowerProvision for temporary perspective inactivityYet to rateProtected low-density communication pathwaysYet to rateOccupiable sites for perspective inactivityYet to rateHospitable interface between structures and external environmentYet to rateAttractive temporary positionsYet to rateArrangement of structures ot engender fruitful interfacesYet to rateMetadataDatabaseMetaphors & patternsType(MP) Patterns (Christopher Alexander)Content qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NP1094DOCID12610940D7NID229593Last updateDec 2, 2024