Attractive temporary positionsBroaderStructure-enfolded insight domainYet to rateSites for grounding perspectives in non-linearityYet to rateSequence of viewpoint loci within a structureYet to rateRelative isolation of structural interface with communication pathwayYet to rateIntegrating points of perspective into common domainsYet to rateHospitable transit pointsYet to rateHospitable non-linear domain external to structuresYet to rateHospitable interface between structures and external environmentYet to rateHospitable common domainsYet to rateHospitability of communication pathwaysYet to rateGrounded structuresYet to rateFocus-oriented communication networksYet to rateEnsuring function of common domain interfacesYet to rateContext for acknowledgement of past perspectivesYet to rateCompetitive interaction opportunities transposed to a concrete levelYet to rateCommunication pathways enfolded by non-linearityYet to rateCommon external context for inactivityYet to rateAppropriate relationship of non-linearity to structuresYet to rateNarrowerIntermediate positionYet to rateAmbiguous boundariesYet to rateMetadataDatabaseMetaphors & patternsType(MP) Patterns (Christopher Alexander)Content qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NP1241DOCID12612410D7NID229324Last updateDec 2, 2024