YouthBroaderYouth-AgePresentableNewness-OldnessPresentableHealth-DiseasePresentableProblemRacial bias in children's literatureExcellentJuvenile delinquencyExcellentDrug abuse by adolescentsExcellentYouth violencePresentableYouth unemploymentPresentableYouth gangsPresentableVulnerable childrenPresentableViolent death of young peoplePresentableStreet childrenPresentablePolitical impotence of youthPresentablePandering to the youth marketPresentableMarginalized young peoplePresentableLimited availability of education in rural areasPresentableJuvenile stressPresentableJuvenile prostitutionPresentableJuvenile alcoholismPresentableInadequate facilities for children's playPresentableInadequate adult role models for youthPresentableHazards to young people at workPresentableDisorientation of youth in a culturally turbulent environmentPresentableDiscrimination against youthPresentableCriminal investment in youth marketPresentableBinge drinking studentsPresentableApathy of youthPresentableRunaway childrenUnpresentableYouth migration to citiesYet to rateUnemployed educated youthYet to rateUndeveloped youth leadershipYet to rateUnclear youth needsYet to rateSocial irresponsibility of youthYet to rateRejection of agriculture by youthYet to rateNegative effects of relative wage rates on youth employmentYet to rateMisrepresentation of youthYet to rateLimited youth facilities in the countrysideYet to rateInadequate facilities for youthYet to rateInadequate adult guidanceYet to rateIdle youth lifestyleYet to rateDistrust of interpersonal relationshipsYet to rateDisparagement of youthYet to rateDisordered behaviour in childrenYet to rateDifficulty of youth transition from school to workYet to rateCult of youthYet to rateBoredom of youthYet to rateStrategyReducing youth smokingPresentablePromoting interests of rural youthPresentableIncluding youth in task forces on environmental educationPresentableExpanding role of children and youth in sustainable developmentPresentableDeveloping responsible youth actionPresentableDeveloping relevant youth policiesPresentableDesigning youth programmesPresentableNetworking youthUnpresentableLimiting youth engagementUnpresentableLimiting youth accountabilityUnpresentableDeveloping youth vocational imagesUnpresentableTreating juvenile offendersYet to rateTraining youth for employment in sustainable developmentYet to rateTraining rural youthYet to rateTightening state responsibility for youth offendersYet to rateSupporting International Youth YearYet to rateStudying causes of youth povertyYet to rateStructuring youth contextYet to rateStrengthening intercultural youth exchangeYet to rateServing muslim youthYet to rateSeparating youth-adult activitiesYet to rateRomanticizing youthYet to rateRewarding youthYet to rateResearching juvenile delinquencyYet to rateRelieving youth leadershipYet to rateRegulating youth employmentYet to rateReducing youth violenceYet to rateReducing suspicion of adult-youth relationshipsYet to rateReducing incidence of racism in child and youth literatureYet to rateReducing discrimination against youthYet to rateRedirecting youth in a culturally turbulent environmentYet to rateQuieting youth unrestYet to rateProviding youth with better health educationYet to rateProviding youth trainingYet to rateProviding transitional support for youthYet to rateProviding information and services to young peopleYet to rateProtecting youthYet to ratePromoting rights of children and youthYet to ratePromoting international youthYet to ratePromoting chaste living for youthYet to ratePromoting adult-youth relationshipsYet to ratePreventing youth crimeYet to ratePreserving youth engagementYet to rateOrganizing youth protestYet to rateOrganizing youthYet to rateOrganizing student religious movementsYet to rateOffering healthy youth environmentYet to rateOccupying youthYet to rateNetworking youth scienceYet to rateMinimizing social disaffection of the youngYet to rateMarketing to the youngYet to rateInvolving youth in planning, implementing and assessing development projectsYet to rateInvolving youth in environmental decision-making at all levelsYet to rateInvolving youthYet to rateInvesting in youthYet to rateIntegrating youthYet to rateInforming governments of young people's proposalsYet to rateIncreasing youth linguistic proficiencyYet to rateIncreasing youth accountabilityYet to rateIncluding youth representatives in delegations to international meetingsYet to rateImproving youth rolesYet to rateImproving situation of youthYet to rateImproving facilities and space for youth recreationYet to rateImproving coordination of international programmes for youthYet to rateImproving adult role models for youthYet to rateHolding creative youth competitionsYet to rateHelping under-privileged childrenYet to rateHearing grievances of youthYet to rateFunding youth participationYet to rateFormulating national youth policiesYet to rateExploring issues affecting indigenous youthYet to rateExpanding youth's global visionYet to rateExpanding corporate youth activitiesYet to rateExchanging studentsYet to rateExchanging rural youthYet to rateExchanging among orthodox youthYet to rateEstablishing nighttime sports to combat youth related problemsYet to rateEstablishing elder youth dialogueYet to rateEquipping local youthYet to rateEnsuring competent youthYet to rateEnsuring access of all youth to formal and informal educationYet to rateEncouraging youth leadershipYet to rateEmpowering youthYet to rateDistributing grants for youth projectsYet to rateDeveloping youth vocational skillsYet to rateDeveloping tourist exchanges for youthYet to rateDeveloping student sportYet to rateDeveloping international youth tourismYet to rateDenying rights of children and youthYet to rateCreating youth leadership opportunitiesYet to rateCreating youth hostelsYet to rateCreating youth employmentYet to rateCreating youth demonstration schoolsYet to rateCreating local youth coreYet to rateCreating community youth participationYet to rateCorrecting inaccurate youth stereotypesYet to rateCoordinating youthYet to rateConsulting youth groups on sustainable development programmesYet to rateConsidering proposals of youth groups in sustainable development policymakingYet to rateChannelling youth vitalityYet to rateChanging destructive youth imageYet to rateCaring for homeless childrenYet to rateBroadening practical youth experiencesYet to rateBroadening knowledge about youthYet to rateBeginning supervised youth activitiesYet to rateAssuming youth incompetenceYet to rateAssisting youth in povertyYet to rateAssisting childrenYet to rateAssembling youthYet to rateAllotting adequate youth spaceYet to rateAdvocating youth reproductive rightsYet to rateAbstaining from youth participationYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectSociety » YouthContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC1943DOCID11319430D7NID191020Last updateDec 2, 2024