WillBroaderWillingness-UnwillingnessPresentableResolution-IrresolutionPresentableChoice-NecessityUnpresentableProblemLimited observance of multilateral trade agreementsPresentableLack of political willPresentableDying intestatePresentableDisobedience of the will of GodYet to rateStrategyWriting a willYet to rateWriting a living willYet to rateUsing political willYet to rateStrengthening political willYet to rateReviewing judicial decisionsYet to rateProviding checks on societal decision-makingYet to ratePromoting equality between men and womenYet to rateLocalizing global willYet to rateImmolating the willYet to rateHolding society accountableYet to rateGarnering input on collective willYet to rateFulfilling the will of ChristYet to rateEnforcing lawsYet to rateDetermining extent of possible challenge to social willYet to rateDestroying individual willYet to rateCodifying corporate willYet to rateAuthenticating majority ruleYet to rateAgreeing executive authority for implementation of collective willYet to rateAdministering process of ordering societyYet to rateAbstaining from political willYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC1923DOCID11319230D7NID193232Last updateDec 2, 2024