UnchallengingBroaderSupport-OppositionPresentableMotivation-DissuasionPresentableProblemInadequate educational facilities for gifted childrenPresentableUnchallenging world visionYet to rateOver-reliance on convenient beliefsYet to rateDemanding requirementsYet to rateStrategyUndermining dictatorship of the majorityYet to rateTesting communal wisdomYet to rateRequiring re-evaluation of social patternsYet to rateRejecting impractical notionsYet to rateRegenderizing other animals as sheYet to rateQuestioning psycho-social dependencyYet to rateQuestioning previous government actionYet to rateQuestioning political assumptionsYet to rateQuestioning operating imagesYet to rateQuestioning limited communal understandingsYet to rateQuestioning dependency on social assistanceYet to rateQuestioning control by economic forcesYet to rateQuestioning certitudeYet to rateNegating ambiguous decision-makingYet to rateImproving educational facilities for gifted childrenYet to rateIlluminating contradictions in deliberative systemYet to rateIdentifying obstacles to industrial developmentYet to rateExposing reductionism of judicial proceduresYet to rateChallenging world visionYet to rateChallenging white supremacyYet to rateChallenging social realityYet to rateChallenging relevance of societal skillsYet to rateChallenging relevance of production skillsYet to rateChallenging relevanceYet to rateChallenging reductionisms in assessing consumption needsYet to rateChallenging present and future formsYet to rateChallenging people to fightYet to rateChallenging mediocrity of government leadersYet to rateChallenging mediocrityYet to rateChallenging meannessYet to rateChallenging legitimacy of public authorityYet to rateChallenging homophobiaYet to rateChallenging government impotenceYet to rateChallenging globalizationYet to rateChallenging dictatorshipsYet to rateChallenging claims of independence by extra-territorial basesYet to rateChallenging businessYet to rateChallenging beliefsYet to rateChallenging belief in emotional instability of womenYet to rateChallenging adequacy of social structureYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4ND6573DOCID11465730D7NID191935Last updateDec 2, 2024