SymptomSymptomsBroaderSafety-DangerPresentableHealth-DiseasePresentableProblemSymptoms of plant diseaseExcellentSymptoms of genito-urinary system diseasesPresentableReappearing signs of underdevelopment in industrialized countriesPresentableMünchausen syndromePresentableIll-defined health conditionsPresentableDisorders of menstruationPresentableBureaucratic inactionPresentableAsperger's syndromePresentableLassitudeUnpresentableDysfunctional behaviour under stressUnpresentableUrine changes as symptoms of diseaseYet to rateSymptoms of sense organ diseasesYet to rateSymptoms of respiratory system diseasesYet to rateSymptoms of nervous system diseasesYet to rateSymptoms of musculoskeletal system diseasesYet to rateSymptoms of digestive system diseasesYet to ratePreoccupation with isolated problemsYet to rateIgnorance of health and hygieneYet to rateFictitious disordersYet to rateConfusion of symptoms in animal diseasesYet to rateConfusion of mental disorder symptomsYet to rateChanges in blood as symptoms of diseaseYet to rateStrategyTreating plant diseaseYet to rateResponding to symptoms of problemsYet to rateReducing symptoms in animal diseasesYet to rateReducing government delay in response to symptoms of problemsYet to rateInforming about symptoms of illnessYet to rateDiagnosing symptoms of illnessYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesSubjectMedicine » DiagnosisContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4ND6229DOCID11462290D7NID192455Last updateDec 2, 2024