RemotenessRemoteBroaderSociability-UnsociabilityPresentableNearness-DistancePresentableProblemInadequate health servicesExcellentPhysically inaccessible servicesPresentableInequality induced by remote sensing systemsPresentableInadequate transport systems for isolated islandsPresentableInaccessible administrative agenciesPresentableGeographically isolated settlementsPresentablePhysically isolated ethnic groupsUnpresentablePhysically inaccessible resourcesUnpresentableIsolationUnpresentableCostly remote area allowanceUnpresentableUnaccompanied foreign travel in remote placesYet to rateThreatened species of Conocephaloides remotusYet to rateRemoteness of centralized collective bargainingYet to rateRemote purchasingYet to rateRemote fishing groundYet to rateMinimal access to necessary information in remote areasYet to rateLimited availability of technical expertise in remote communitiesYet to rateLack of secondary schools in the countrysideYet to rateInadequate driver trainingYet to rateInadequate community policingYet to rateInaccessible market and supply centresYet to rateInaccessible government agenciesYet to rateInaccessible educational facilitiesYet to rateStrategyRemote sensing by satelliteExcellentLinking users of Earth observation dataPresentableExpanding remote sensing of forest resourcesPresentableReducing bureaucratic remotenessYet to rateLimiting availability of technical expertise in remote communitiesYet to rateIncreasing access to technical expertise in remote communitiesYet to rateIncreasing access to necessary information in remote areasYet to rateIncreasing access to foreign travel in remote placesYet to rateImproving island transport servicesYet to rateExtending rural energy planning to villages and householdsYet to rateCoping with inadequate transport systems for isolated islandsYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(D) Destructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4ND5397DOCID11453970D7NID192297Last updateDec 2, 2024