ProtectionBroaderSupport-OppositionPresentableSafety-DangerPresentableProblemThreatened species of PlantaeExcellentRejection of refugeesExcellentInfanticideExcellentHurricanesExcellentHuman immunodeficiency virus infectionExcellentCrop vulnerabilityExcellentBowdlerizationExcellentVulnerability of women and children in emergenciesPresentableThreatened monuments and historic sitesPresentablePsychological barriers to the judicial protection of individual rightsPresentableProhibitive cost of product liability protectionPresentableInadequate safeguards against firePresentableInadequate protection of war correspondentsPresentableInadequate protection from cold weatherPresentableInadequate maternity protection in employmentPresentableInadequate disposal of female sanitary protectionPresentableFragmented social structures for environmental protectionPresentableExcessive protection of industries by customs dutiesPresentableDistortion of international trade through obstacles to patent protectionPresentableDiscrimination against transnational banksPresentableDenial of rights of ethnic minoritiesPresentableConsumer vulnerabilityPresentableConflicting standards for protection against chemical occupational hazardsPresentableAbsence of agreed minimum wagePresentableVulnerability of the elderly under states of emergencyUnpresentableVulnerability of the disabled during states of emergencyUnpresentableVulnerability of animals during states of emergencyUnpresentableViolation of the right of workers organizations to protection against suspensionUnpresentableViolation of rights of vulnerable groups during states of emergencyUnpresentableSpecious measures for environmental protectionUnpresentableProtection racketsUnpresentableLack of protection for victims of intimidationUnpresentableLack of legal protection of extortion victimsUnpresentableInsufficient social security in the agricultural sectorUnpresentableInsufficient environmental legislationUnpresentableInsecurity of propertyUnpresentableInadequate defenceUnpresentableDenial to animals of legal protection of their rightsUnpresentableDenial of right to maternity leaveUnpresentableDenial of right to job protection during maternity leaveUnpresentableUnregulated outdoor workYet to rateReduced images of environmental protectionYet to rateProtection of company ownershipYet to rateProhibitive cost of coastal protection against sea damageYet to rateIneffective protection of individual rights due to excessive court costsYet to rateIncomplete storm protectionYet to rateInadequate protection of individual welfareYet to rateInadequate legislation against environmental pollutionYet to rateInadequate legal protection for agricultural workersYet to rateExcessive environmental protectionismYet to rateEconomically inefficient regulationsYet to rateDenial to animals of the right to the attention, care and protection of humankindYet to rateStrategyProtecting marine environmentExcellentPromoting sustainable use of biodiversityExcellentPreserving historical and cultural treasuresExcellentUsing debt-for-nature swapsPresentableResearching legal aspects of biodiversity protectionPresentableProviding environmental education in schoolsPresentableProtecting traditional knowledgePresentableProtecting refugeesPresentableProtecting intellectual propertyPresentableProtecting global environmentPresentableInstituting effective domestic securityPresentableIncreasing international protection of marine environmentPresentableImproving patent licensing systemPresentableImproving maternity protection in employmentPresentableConvening consultations on protection of oceans and marine resourcesPresentableConserving the ArcticPresentableApplying international copyright principlesPresentableUsing crop protectionUnpresentableReducing radiation effectsUnpresentableIncreasing awareness and action for environmental protectionUnpresentableImproving protection for linguistic minoritiesUnpresentableDisempowering vulnerable groupsUnpresentableUsing import protection as export promotionYet to rateUsing environmental lawYet to rateUsing elitist justiceYet to rateUsing biotechnology for environmental protectionYet to rateUpgrading community fire protectionYet to rateTraining volunteer fire departmentYet to rateTaking an integrated approach to environmental protection in national lawsYet to rateSystematizing structures for environmental protectionYet to rateSupporting environment protectionYet to rateStudying children's rightsYet to rateStudying causes of lack of solidarity with the poorYet to rateStructuring wisdom protectionYet to rateStrengthening research on biotechnology and environmental protectionYet to rateStrengthening local authority capabilities on water protectionYet to rateServing professionals dealing with environmental protectionYet to rateRestoring police protectionYet to rateRespecting rights of vulnerable groups during states of emergencyYet to rateReducing protection of state-owned enterprisesYet to rateRecognizing citizen's rights in relation to the environmentYet to rateReceiving protectionYet to rateQuestioning security of social structureYet to rateProviding sufficient typhoon protectionYet to rateProviding sufficient protection within free marketsYet to rateProviding sufficient crop protectionYet to rateProviding protection from irritant gases and vapoursYet to rateProviding protection for disabled during states of emergencyYet to rateProviding personal protectionYet to rateProviding moral protectionYet to rateProviding better protectionYet to rateProtecting women and children in emergenciesYet to rateProtecting vegetationYet to rateProtecting the vulnerableYet to rateProtecting the poorYet to rateProtecting propertyYet to rateProtecting privacyYet to rateProtecting minority rightsYet to rateProtecting consumersYet to rateProtecting against vulnerability of the elderly under states of emergencyYet to rateProtectingYet to ratePromoting regional and sub-regional cooperation on environmental protectionYet to ratePromoting fire protectionYet to ratePreparing species management plansYet to ratePreparing national plans for water resource protection and conservationYet to rateOffering protection of religion to rulersYet to rateOffering official protection for offendersYet to rateMobilizing fire protectionYet to rateMeeting incremental project costs of environmental protectionYet to rateMaterializing protectionYet to rateMaintaining social environmentYet to rateIncreasing images of environmental protectionYet to rateIncreasing access to protection and security servicesYet to rateIncluding marine environment protection in marine studies programmesYet to rateImproving social protection of farmersYet to rateImproving safeguards against fireYet to rateImproving protection from cold weatherYet to rateImproving national capabilities for the protection of water qualityYet to rateImproving international protection of industrial propertyYet to rateIdentifying target populations most needing improved health and disease protectionYet to rateGlobalizing environmental protectionYet to rateGenerating adequate terrain protectionYet to rateGaining divine protectionYet to rateFoetal protection strategiesYet to rateExpanding public information on protection of the atmosphereYet to rateExpanding education on water quality protectionYet to rateExpanding comprehensive citizen protectionYet to rateEstablishing citizen protectionYet to rateEnsuring wider crop protectionYet to rateEnsuring effective protectionYet to rateDistorting international trade through obstacles to patent protectionYet to rateDeveloping civic operations for crime managementYet to rateDesigning for environmental protectionYet to rateDenying right to protection of trade union leadersYet to rateDenying animals of the right to the attention, care and protection of humankindYet to rateDemanding public protection against crimeYet to rateCoordinating plant protection activitiesYet to rateConducting training for protection of the marine environmentYet to rateCampaigning for the protection of national monumentsYet to rateCampaigning for environmental protection lawsYet to rateBuilding adequate seawall protectionYet to rateAssuring young plant protectionYet to rateAssuring protection of physical environmentYet to rateAssuring environmental protectionYet to rateAsserting property rightsYet to rateAbusing conventions on animal protectionYet to rateAbstaining from typhoon protectionYet to rateAbstaining from protection of women and children during disastersYet to rateAbstaining from protection of vulnerable groups during disastersYet to rateAbstaining from protection of the handicapped during disastersYet to rateAbstaining from protection of the aged during disastersYet to rateAbstaining from protection for industrial propertyYet to rateAbstaining from protectionYet to rateAbstaining from property protectionYet to rateAbstaining from plant protectionYet to rateAbstaining from crop protectionYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectSocietal problems ยป ProtectionContent qualityYet to rateย Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC1383DOCID11313830D7NID192836Last updateDec 2, 2024