Pleasure-DispleasureBroaderFeeling*complexYet to rateNarrowerZestYet to rateWretchedYet to rateUnwantedYet to rateUnvaluedYet to rateUnpopularityYet to rateUnmetYet to rateUnluckinessYet to rateUninvitedYet to rateUnhappinessYet to rateTeaseYet to rateSelfishnessYet to rateSatisfactionYet to rateRaptureYet to rateRadianceYet to ratePleasureYet to ratePersecutionYet to rateNonfulfilmentYet to rateMalaiseYet to rateLuxuryYet to rateLuckYet to rateLovelessnessYet to rateLoveYet to rateLikableYet to rateJoyfulnessYet to rateJoyYet to rateInviabilityYet to rateInfelicityYet to rateHorrorYet to rateHigh-spiritednessYet to rateHeartacheYet to rateHappinessYet to rateGratificationYet to rateGladnessYet to rateGaietyYet to rateFunYet to rateFelicityYet to rateExuberanceYet to rateExhilarationYet to rateExaltationYet to rateEntertainmentYet to rateEnjoymentYet to rateEnchantmentYet to rateEmptinessYet to rateElationYet to rateEcstasyYet to rateEaseYet to rateDysphoriaYet to rateDreadYet to rateDissatisfactionYet to rateDispleasureYet to rateDislikeYet to rateDisenchantmentYet to rateDiscontentYet to rateDisconsolationYet to rateDiscomfortYet to rateDelightYet to rateCurseYet to rateCrankinessYet to rateContentmentYet to rateConsolationYet to rateComfortablenessYet to rateComfortYet to rateCheerfulnessYet to rateCharmYet to rateBlissYet to rateBlessednessYet to rateBeatitudeYet to rateBeatificationYet to rateAppreciationYet to rateAngstYet to rateAgonyYet to rateAdorationYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(P) Value polaritiesSubjectRecreation » RecreationContent qualityPresentable PresentableLanguageEnglish1A4NP5865DOCID12658650D7NID190267Last updateOct 16, 2021