LawfulnessLawBroaderRightness-WrongnessPresentableJustice-InjusticePresentableLegality-IllegalityUnpresentableProblemIgnorance of the lawExcellentDiscriminatory religious influence on the lawExcellentDiscrimination against women before the lawExcellentConflicting labour laws among countriesExcellentViolations of private lawPresentableViolations of contract lawPresentableSuspension of rights during states of emergencyPresentableSeparation under marriage lawPresentablePolice corruptionPresentableNatural law thinking of marketersPresentableMale bias of lawPresentableLawlessnessPresentableInjustice of military tribunalsPresentableInadequate national supervision of adherence to international lawPresentableInadequate lawsPresentableInaccessibility of justicePresentableDesertion in marriage lawPresentableDenial of human rights in the administration of justicePresentableConflict of lawsPresentableBanking law violationsPresentableAvoidance of legal obligations by politiciansPresentableAgeismPresentableRoad traffic violationsUnpresentableMartial lawUnpresentableLegalized racial discriminationUnpresentableLegalized discriminationUnpresentableInternationally wrongful acts by governmentUnpresentableInsufficient environmental legislationUnpresentableIncompetence under lawUnpresentableInadequate law enforcementUnpresentableGovernment seizure of foreign nationals in foreign countriesUnpresentableExploitation of regulatory loopholes in countries with underdeveloped legislationUnpresentableExcessive cost of effective prosecution of offendersUnpresentableEvasion of the lawUnpresentableDiscrimination against men before the lawUnpresentableDenial of right to recognition as a person before the lawUnpresentableDenial of right to minimum work ageUnpresentableDenial of natural law by human lawsUnpresentableDeficient company legislationUnpresentableArbitrary enforcement of regulationsUnpresentableAbuse of lawUnpresentableMother-in-law tabooYet to rateMisuse of the lawYet to rateMiscarriage of justiceYet to rateLimitations of monogamyYet to rateLaw enforcement complexityYet to rateLack of enforcement powerYet to rateInadequate international law enforcementYet to rateInadequate evidence to convict known offendersYet to rateDeliberate governmental avoidance of legislative reformYet to rateDeficiencies in international lawYet to rateConflicts of national law in relation to international transactionsYet to rateAlienating judicial proceduresYet to rateStrategyEnsuring compatibility of environmental and trade lawExcellentDeveloping international environmental lawExcellentResearching legal aspects of biodiversity protectionPresentableLegislatingPresentableEnforcing international lawPresentableDeveloping international human rights lawPresentableDeveloping environmental law databasesPresentableDeveloping computer lawPresentableAccepting dharmaPresentableRegulating use of oceansUnpresentableDeveloping food lawUnpresentableConserving marine living resources in accordance with international lawUnpresentableCalling for drug law reformUnpresentableViolating international lawYet to rateUsing environmental lawYet to rateUsing elitist justiceYet to rateUpholding law of societyYet to rateUpholding common acceptance of conferred legal powersYet to rateTrying illegallyYet to rateTransgressing the lawYet to rateTraining law teachersYet to rateTrading in art outside the lawYet to rateSystemizing lawYet to rateSuspending privileges of law-breakersYet to rateStudying philosophy of lawYet to rateStudying parliamentary lawYet to rateStudying muslim lawYet to rateStudying military lawYet to rateStudying lawYet to rateStudying labour lawYet to rateStudying environmental lawYet to rateStudying criminal lawYet to rateStudying comparative lawYet to rateStudying chinese lawYet to rateStudying ancient lawYet to rateStrengthening trade lawYet to rateStrengthening mechanisms for securing compliance with the lawYet to rateStandardizing private lawYet to rateStandardizing lawYet to rateStandardizing international traffic lawYet to rateStandardizing international penal lawYet to rateSimplifying law enforcementYet to rateSeparating under marriage lawYet to rateReviewing priorities for future law making on sustainable developmentYet to rateReviewing personal status lawsYet to rateRestoring rights of released prisonersYet to rateResearching legal aspects of businessYet to rateResearching and development of administrative law and practiceYet to rateRequiring adherence to lawYet to rateReducing inequality of access to the lawYet to rateReducing inequality before the lawYet to rateReducing discriminatory religious influence on the lawYet to rateReducing discrimination against women before the lawYet to rateRecognizing common lawYet to rateProviding rehabilitation structures for law-breakersYet to rateProviding legal recognition of minority opinionYet to rateProviding legal advice for consumersYet to rateProviding law enforcement structureYet to rateProviding grounding for maintenance of social acceptable behaviourYet to rateProviding criminal law enforcementYet to rateProtecting those not recognized by the lawYet to rateProsecuting political misconductYet to rateProsecuting civil law transgressionsYet to ratePromoting international lawYet to ratePromoting harmonious international lawYet to rateProgressing lawYet to ratePreventing fallibility of lawYet to ratePreserving propriety image of common lawYet to ratePreserving law and orderYet to ratePreserving foundational necessity of common lawYet to ratePracticing lawYet to rateOrganizing international law advisory bodiesYet to rateOrganizing institute of space lawYet to rateNetworking environmental lawyersYet to rateNeglecting the lawYet to rateNeglecting law and orderYet to rateManipulating interpretation of the lawYet to rateLitigatingYet to rateLaw breakingYet to rateIntroducing modernized industrial legislationYet to rateInterpreting the lawYet to rateInforming young people about the lawYet to rateInforming about public apprehension of criminalsYet to rateIncreasing employment in commercial lawYet to rateImproving training on sustainable development lawYet to rateImproving procedure of courts of lawYet to rateImproving lawsYet to rateImproving international transport lawYet to rateImproving drug law enforcementYet to rateImproving administrative lawYet to rateImplementing the lawYet to rateImplementing refugee lawYet to rateImplementing international law of the sea on straddling and highly migratory fish stocksYet to rateImplementing immigration lawYet to rateImplementing code of conduct for law enforcement officialsYet to rateIgnoring the lawYet to rateHolding mother-in-law tabooYet to rateHindering law enforcementYet to rateHelping children in conflict with lawYet to rateHarmonizing national law and policyYet to rateHarmonizing international trade lawYet to rateHarmonizing international lawYet to rateHarmonizing internal systems of lawYet to rateHarmonizing criminal lawYet to rateHarmonizing company lawYet to rateFostering reasonable law enforcementYet to rateExposing violations of private lawYet to rateExploiting fallibility of lawYet to rateExpanding use of information technology for lawYet to rateEvading the lawYet to rateEstablishing world lawYet to rateEstablishing international legal orderYet to rateEstablishing comprehensive environmental law systemYet to rateEnshrining lawYet to rateEnforcing the law illegallyYet to rateEnforcing procedural rules of lawYet to rateEnforcing lawsYet to rateEnabling procedural alternatives in judicial processYet to rateEmpowering customary articulations of the lawYet to rateDisseminating international humanitarian lawYet to rateDisrespecting international lawYet to rateDisobeying the lawYet to rateDiscriminating before the lawYet to rateDeveloping national lawYet to rateDeveloping international trade lawYet to rateDeveloping international penal lawYet to rateDeveloping international medical lawYet to rateDeveloping implementation mechanisms for international law on sustainable developmentYet to rateDeveloping environmental lawYet to rateDetaining illegallyYet to rateDemanding tightening of law enforcement during crisesYet to rateCreating public mood for domestic stabilityYet to rateCreating antagonism through social enforcementYet to rateCoping with inadequate development of international criminal lawYet to rateCoordinating tourism legislationYet to rateCoordinating law systemsYet to rateContracting visible law enforcementYet to rateComplying with international humanitarian lawYet to rateClaiming intimidation by courts of lawYet to rateCircumventing the lawYet to rateCalling for re-evaluation of lawYet to rateBreaching humanitarian lawYet to rateAuthenticating application of lawYet to rateAssisting developing countries to build up expertise in international sustainable development lawYet to rateArticulating lawYet to rateApplying legal fines for criminal offencesYet to rateApplying civil pressure for law makingYet to rateApplying appropriate lawYet to rateApply international provisions to fish populations on the high seasYet to rateAdvertising lawYet to rateAdvancing legal scienceYet to rateAdvancing insurance lawYet to rateAdopting uniform private law legislationYet to rateAdjudicating on law relating to international transactionsYet to rateAdhering to international lawYet to rateActing outside the lawYet to rateAbolishing unethical practices by police forcesYet to rateAbiding by private lawYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectLaw » LawContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC1055DOCID11310550D7NID192947Last updateDec 2, 2024