CoordinationBroaderSkilfulness-UnskilfulnessPresentableAgreement-DisagreementPresentableSymmetry-DistortionUnpresentableEquality-InequalityUnpresentableProblemInadequacies of the international monetary systemExcellentProliferation and duplication of United Nations information systemsPresentableProliferation and duplication of intergovernmental organizations and coordination bodiesPresentableMotor skills disorderPresentableInadequate coordination of international nongovernmental organizations and programmesPresentableInadequate coordination of governmental representation in intergovernmental organizationsPresentableInadequate coordination of action on intergovernmental programmes at national levelPresentableInadequate budgetary coordination within the United Nations systemsPresentableInadequate administration of aidPresentableFragmentation and complexity of the United Nations systemPresentableProliferation and duplication of international nongovernmental organization and coordination bodiesUnpresentableLack of international coordination among supervisors of financial stock marketsUnpresentableInadequate coordination of the intergovernmental system of organizationsUnpresentableInadequate coordination of international organizationsUnpresentableInadequate coordination among regional intergovernmental organizations with common membershipUnpresentableDexterity disabilitiesUnpresentableWidespread community factionalismYet to rateUncoordinated agency referralYet to rateLack of international coordination of interest ratesYet to rateLack of coordinationYet to rateInadequate coordination of action against problemsYet to rateStrategyInternational coordination of police forcesExcellentStrengthening United Nations coordination on poverty reduction programmes and pilot projectsPresentableStrengthening coordination and cooperation among research programmes on global changePresentableIncreasing international economic cooperationPresentableImproving coordination between health and related sectorsPresentableSystematizing occupational data coordinationYet to rateStrengthening role of UNEP in the follow-up to UNCED and in implementing Agenda 21Yet to rateStrengthening international coordination on marine managementYet to rateStrengthening international coordination of marine environment programmesYet to rateStrengthening international coordination of land resource management activitiesYet to rateStrengthening coordinationYet to rateRestructuring decision-making and coordination processesYet to rateProviding sufficient coordinationYet to rateProviding leadership coordinationYet to ratePromoting coordination of food standards activitiesYet to ratePatterning data coordinationYet to rateLinking essential social servicesYet to rateIntegrating planning of action against problemsYet to rateIncreasing national trade coordinationYet to rateImproving national inter-agency coordination on monitoring forest resourcesYet to rateImproving international coordination on mountain developmentYet to rateImproving coordination of waste management programmes in the United Nations systemYet to rateImproving coordination of scientific satellite missionsYet to rateImproving coordination of policy on hazardous wasteYet to rateImproving coordination of international programmes for youthYet to rateImproving coordination of international agencies on water managementYet to rateImproving coordination of forest-related international agenciesYet to rateImproving coordination among public, NGOs, indigenous people and local communitiesYet to rateImproving coordination among international programmes for indigenous peoplesYet to rateImproving coordination among international fishery agenciesYet to rateImproving coordination among anti-desertification agenciesYet to rateExpanding coordination of coastal programmesYet to rateEstablishing secretariat support structure in the United Nations to follow up UNCED and implement Agenda 21Yet to rateEstablishing global monetary systemYet to rateCreating economic coordinationYet to rateCoordinating production systemsYet to rateCoordinating activities of international organizationsYet to rateArea coordination centreYet to rateAbstaining from international economic coordinationYet to rateAbstaining from coordination of the international monetary systemYet to rateAbstaining from coordination of interest ratesYet to rateAbstaining from coordination among social servicesYet to rateAbstaining from coordination among aid donorsYet to rateAbstaining from coordinationYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectStrategy » CoordinationContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC0485DOCID11304850D7NID191676Last updateDec 2, 2024