ContactBroaderNearness-DistancePresentableCommunicativeness-UncommunicativenessPresentableProblemDermatitisExcellentUnhygienic recreational contact with sewagePresentableInfrequent doctor contactUnpresentableLost emigrant contactYet to rateLack of social contactYet to rateInjury due to contact with objectsYet to rateContact allergiesYet to rateStrategyUsing contact lensesYet to rateStrengthening regular resident contactYet to rateRegularizing local citizen contactYet to rateProviding social contactYet to rateProviding contact with governmental agenciesYet to rateProviding contact among muscle research scientistsYet to rateProviding community contactYet to ratePromoting research cooperationYet to ratePromoting contacts among scientistsYet to ratePromoting contacts among lawyersYet to ratePromoting contacts among fairsYet to ratePromoting contact among women living under muslim lawsYet to ratePromoting contact among wildlife researchersYet to ratePromoting contact among water suppliersYet to ratePromoting contact among thermal scientistsYet to ratePromoting contact among peace scholarsYet to ratePromoting contact among onomastic specialistsYet to ratePromoting contact among mutagen researchersYet to ratePromoting contact among marketing executivesYet to ratePromoting contact among historiansYet to ratePromoting contact among glass makersYet to ratePromoting contact among geneticistsYet to ratePromoting contact among evangelical theological collegesYet to ratePromoting contact among enzyme manufacturersYet to ratePromoting contact among clothing manufacturersYet to ratePromoting contact among civil engineersYet to ratePromoting contact among artistsYet to ratePromoting christian fellowshipYet to ratePreserving contact with natureYet to rateNetworking museum professionalsYet to rateNetworking archaeologistsYet to rateMaking contact with extra-terrestrial aliensYet to rateMaintaining contact among geneticistsYet to rateMaintaining contact among French speaking aircrewsYet to rateMaintaining contact among former traineesYet to rateMaintaining contact among churchesYet to rateMaintaining contactYet to rateIncreasing community contactYet to rateFacilitating easy outside contactYet to rateFacilitating contact among researchersYet to rateEstablishing contact among researchersYet to rateEnabling regular outside contactYet to rateDecreasing human contact contaminationYet to rateAbstaining from social contactYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC0463DOCID11304630D7NID190831Last updateDec 2, 2024