CommitmentBroaderUnselfishness-SelfishnessPresentableResolution-IrresolutionPresentableNeutrality-CompromisePresentableFriendship-EnmityPresentableDesire-AvoidancePresentableCommitment-ResignationYet to rateProblemMisuse of psychiatric diagnosisPresentableLack of political willPresentableIndecisive multilateralismPresentableMistrust of communal commitmentUnpresentableProgressive reduction in government action commitmentYet to rateLack of social commitmentYet to rateLack of commitment to common symbolsYet to rateStrategySupporting domestic tranquillity by personal commitmentYet to rateStudying causes of lack of solidarity with the poorYet to rateReviewing professional ethics to improve environmental commitmentYet to rateReducing government commitment to multilateralismYet to rateReducing government action commitmentYet to rateRecovering commitment ethicYet to rateQuickening commitment to create corporate suffrageYet to rateProviding sufficient communal commitmentYet to rateProtecting the poorYet to rateMaintaining international commitment to improving human healthYet to rateIncreasing social commitment of contemporary life-stylesYet to rateIncreasing government commitment to multilateralismYet to rateIncreasing government action commitmentYet to rateEnlisting regional capital commitmentYet to rateDistrusting corporate commitmentYet to rateAdvancing commitment to actionYet to rateAddressing governmental resistance in response to problemsYet to rateAbstaining from communal commitmentYet to rateMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC0361DOCID11303610D7NID191886Last updateDec 2, 2024