ChoiceBroaderWillingness-UnwillingnessPresentableTaste-VulgarityPresentableJudgement-MisjudgementPresentableGoodness-BadnessPresentableFreedom-RestraintPresentableProblemRacial discrimination in sexual preferencesExcellentForced marriagePresentableDecreasing consumer choicePresentableInconsiderate choice of payment times by creditorsUnpresentableDenial of right to free choice of workUnpresentableAbuse of freedom of choiceUnpresentableUnknowable future patterns of social choiceYet to rateTensionless image of free choiceYet to rateInsufficient cultural mediaYet to rateInappropriateness of policy based on rational choiceYet to rateFeminist politicization of choiceYet to rateDenial of right to educational choiceYet to rateStrategyEncouraging competition between health providersExcellentDefending reproductive rightsExcellentSuggesting social choice prioritiesYet to rateReducing tension between choice and freedomYet to ratePromoting tensionless image of free choiceYet to ratePoliticizing choiceYet to ratePermitting free-choice marriageYet to rateNot having childrenYet to rateLimiting media programme choiceYet to rateIncreasing available housing optionsYet to rateImproving choice for votersYet to rateIdentifying family optionsYet to rateExpanding consumer choiceYet to rateDetermining future prioritiesYet to rateDenying right of choice in marriageYet to rateDecreasing consumer choiceYet to rateCreating new job possibilitiesYet to rateChoiceYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseHuman valuesType(C) Constructive valuesSubjectPolicy-making » PolicyContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NC0325DOCID11303250D7NID191393Last updateDec 2, 2024