Strengthening comprehensive health careExtending health care deliveryDelivering comprehensive health careImproving health servicesDeveloping health careBroaderDevelopingPresentableStrengtheningYet to rateMaximizing health care opportunitiesYet to rateImproving human healthYet to rateCaringYet to rateNarrowerStrengthening comprehensive health care for womenExcellentSupporting traditional health carePresentableStrengthening national capacities for environmental health interventionsPresentableStrengthening intersectoral approaches to training health workersPresentableDeveloping human resources to meet primary health care needsPresentableDeveloping health systemsPresentableDeveloping and sharing health care information and expertisePresentableAdvancing nutritionPresentableAdvancing critical careUnpresentableStrengthening science and technology to improve urban healthYet to rateStrengthening intersectoral cooperation on health programmesYet to rateStrengthening institutions supporting improved health of vulnerable groupsYet to rateStrengthening health servicesYet to rateStrengthening capacity to meet primary health care needsYet to rateSafeguarding public healthYet to rateInforming public about adverse impacts of chemicalsYet to rateImproving care of patientsYet to rateEnsuring comprehensive family careYet to rateDeveloping local health plansYet to rateDeveloping health care policyYet to rateAdvancing nonacute health careYet to rateAdvancing geriatric therapeuticsYet to rate ValueUnstimulatingYet to rateOverstimulatingYet to rateHealthYet to rateCareYet to rateWeb linkStrengthening Integration of Health Services and SystemsA Health Systems Approach for Strengthening Primary Health Care ServicesA systems-based partnership learning model for strengthening primary healthcareCommunity Health Center StrengtheningHealth Systems StrengtheningStrengthening the Healthcare WorkforceHealth at a Glance: Europe 2016 Strengthening primary care systems Strengthening Primary CareSDGMetadataDatabaseGlobal strategiesType(G) Very specific strategiesSubjectTransportation, telecommunications » Forwarders, distributorsHealth care » CarePrinciples » ValuesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NQ5198DOCID12751980D7NID206541Last updateNov 18, 2022