Storing natural gasStoring LPG undergroundDescriptionGas can be stored in tanks and other containers above-ground, or underground in media such as depleted oil and gas fields, abandoned mines, mined cavities and salt cavities.BroaderManaging energy resourcesYet to rateDeveloping natural gas resourcesYet to rateFacilitatesUsing natural gasYet to rateReducing methane emissions from petroleum productionYet to rateFacilitated byResearching gas industryYet to rateAdvancing petroleum scienceYet to rateRelatedExploiting coal bed methaneYet to rate ProblemStorage of dangerous substancesUnpresentableNatural gas production environmental hazardsUnpresentableLong-term shortage of natural and manufactured gasUnpresentableHigh cost of natural gas trade infrastructureUnpresentableValueUnnaturalnessYet to rateUndergroundYet to rateReferenceUnited Nations Economic Commission for Europe: Underground Storage of Natural Gas and LPGMetadataDatabaseGlobal strategiesType(D) Detailed strategiesSubjectGeology » GeologyResources » PetroleumTransportation, telecommunications » StorageContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NJ0156DOCID12001560D7NID208297Last updateDec 3, 2024