Sharing mutually beneficial ideasPooling ideasExchanging ideasExchange good practiceLearning by sharingBroaderPoolingYet to rateNetworkingYet to rateNarrowerSharing best practices in good governanceUnpresentableProviding sufficient unifying ideasYet to rateProviding public information on rural energy problemsYet to ratePresenting new ideasYet to rateExchanging professional experienceYet to rateExchanging curricula ideasYet to rateExchanging audit ideasYet to rateEnsuring good development practicesYet to rateDiffusing best practicesYet to rateCooperating among global forestry organizationsYet to rateFacilitatesIncorporating human wisdomYet to rateFacilitated byPromoting social innovationPresentableProviding informal sharing eventsYet to rateFacilitating exchange of ideasYet to rateRelatedExchanging experienceYet to rateDeveloping open learningYet to rate ValueUnlearnedYet to rateLearningYet to rateGoodYet to rateWeb linkIdea ExchangeUK Climate Impacts ProgrammeExchanging ideas. Adapting materials.SDGMetadataDatabaseGlobal strategiesType(E) Emanations of other strategiesSubjectCommunication » ExchangesEducation » EducationContent qualityUnpresentable UnpresentableLanguageEnglish1A4NQ0652DOCID12706520D7NID204999Last updateJul 13, 2018