Researching healthBroaderIncreasing health knowledgeYet to rateNarrowerStudying medicinal plantsPresentableResearching public healthPresentableResearching adolescent sexual healthPresentableImproving effectiveness of aid for healthPresentableEvaluating family planningPresentableEvaluating cognitive effects of environmental health hazardsPresentableUndertaking medical researchYet to rateReviewing advances in medical technologyYet to rateResearching maternal/child careYet to rateResearching insanityYet to rateResearching diseasesYet to rateReducing health risk of menopauseYet to rateFacilitated bySupporting medical researchYet to rateStrengthening national water research networksYet to ratePromoting research cooperationYet to ratePromoting dental health researchYet to rateExpanding training of health research scientistsYet to rate SDGMetadataDatabaseGlobal strategiesType(E) Emanations of other strategiesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NJ9346DOCID12093460D7NID205248Last updateDec 7, 2022