1. Global strategies
  2. Reforming the calendar

Reforming the calendar

  • Improving world calendar


Adapting a new yearly time scheme for society. This is done for a better average length of days and nights, for convenience of international interchange, for broader recognition of events previously marked only by a segment of society or for the invention of days and events commemorating new social values.


Although the Gregorian Calendar is most widely used today, other forms of marking time are observed. The Gregorian Calendar was promulgated by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, but not accepted by England until 1752. Lenin introduced it into Russia in 1918. It was most recently adopted by Turkey, in 1927. Alternative or subsidiary systems include: the United Nations practice of naming years and decades for social issues; the introduction of days of special commemoration on the part of groups sponsoring social causes, such as UN Day and days of national liberation.


Proposals currently exist to free Christian, Jewish and Muslim holidays from their dependence on the moon, so that the present mobility of their dates would be eliminated. Other proposals exist to replace the 12-month system by a 13-month system moon calendar.


Humanity's problems are largely due to its dependence on the artificial timing frequency of the current calendar which is out of phase with the natural cycles of the Earth, solar system and galaxy. Life on Earth is governed by a natural timing frequency. Only modern civilized humanity deviates from this, thus reinforcing its tendency to disrupt natural biological cycles. The Gregorian Calendar is based on the Baylonian division of space, the flat circle divided into twelve parts. There are no natural cycles corresponding to the number twelve. The natural human cycle is governed by the female biological rhythm of 28 days. Thirteen of these cycles make 364 days. Memories of the 13-moon-28-day calendar persist in many parts of the world. The imposition of the Gregorian Calendar was compounded by the further artificial and mechanical subdivision of time into 60 minutes and 60 seconds per minute resulting in the artificial 12 : 60 frequency pattern governing human affairs. This unquestioned standard locks taxes, government, interest rates, banking, and wages into the human belief system.

Shifting to a calendar of thirteen moons provides a universal template for planetary unification. Each moon cycle of 28 days is then equal to every other moon. All existing religious and lunar calendars can be smoothly integrated into this pattern as a perfect harmony of time. When the calendar followed is irregular, artificial and mechanized, the psycho-social response becomes equally artificial, notably in relation to world affairs. Through adjusting biological rhythm to the accelerated 12 : 60 frequency, humans maintain the artificial acceleration of biological activity which is at the root of the overpopulation problem. One alternative timing frequency proposed is that based on 13 : 20 which is oriented to the fourth dimension. The current deviation in humanity's understanding of time is a whole systems error in need of a whole systems solution.


Calendar reform is an extremely expensive and politically difficult process.


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    Nov 2, 2018