Modernizing fishing techniquesDescriptionDeveloping and promoting fishing techniques and procedures that are species and size specific, and that have the least impact on ecosystems and on non-target species.BroaderEnsuring sustainable agricultural developmentExcellentUpdatingYet to rateNarrowerExtending aquaculture techniques to other countriesYet to rateFacilitatesPreventing over-fishingExcellentProducing fish in reservoirsYet to rateFarming fishYet to rateFacilitated byIdentifying obstacles to aquacultureYet to rateBeginning joint fishing effortsYet to rate SDGMetadataDatabaseGlobal strategiesType(G) Very specific strategiesSubjectAgriculture, fisheries » FisheriesTechnology » TechnicalDevelopment » ReformContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NQ6313DOCID12763130D7NID207239Last updateDec 3, 2024