Identifying carriers of animal diseasesStudying vectors of animal diseasesBroaderStudying vector-borne diseasesYet to rateStudying infectious diseases in animalsYet to rateStudying animal diseasesYet to rateNarrowerStudying worms as vectors of animal diseasesYet to rateStudying wild animals as carriers of animal diseasesYet to rateStudying insect vectors of animal diseasesYet to rateStudying human vectors of animal diseasesYet to rateStudying domestic animals as vectors of animal diseaseYet to rateFacilitatesPreventing epidemicsPresentableControlling animal diseasesYet to rateFacilitated byMonitoring illnessPresentableStudying animal vectors of diseaseYet to rateMonitoring for epidemic outbreaksYet to rate ProblemVectors of animal diseasesUnpresentableDifficulty in identifying carriers of animal diseasesYet to rateValueDiseaseYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseGlobal strategiesType(G) Very specific strategiesSubjectMedicine » PathologyResearch, standards » StudyTransportation, telecommunications » HandlingZoology » AnimalsContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NV2904DOCID13229040D7NID211313Last updateMay 20, 2022