EnsuringBroaderProtecting-EndangeringYet to rateNarrowerStrengthening comprehensive health care for womenExcellentPromoting literacy and readingExcellentPreserving freedomPresentableImproving access of girls to basic educationPresentableEnsuring women's access to health care and family planning servicesPresentableEnsuring safe management of radioactive wastesPresentableEnsuring regional harmonization of financial regulationsPresentableEnsuring neutralityPresentableEnsuring healthy sleepPresentableEnsuring sustainable population levelsUnpresentableEnsuring regular health consultationsUnpresentableEnsuring on-going educational effortsUnpresentableEnsuring legislative justiceUnpresentableEnsuring environmentally sound waste treatment and disposalUnpresentableEnsuring efficient and environmental sound urban transportation systemsUnpresentableEnsuring competent developmentUnpresentableEnsuring commercial seafood suppliesUnpresentableEnsuring basic services resourcesUnpresentableDeveloping leadership trainingUnpresentableSustaining ongoing social well-beingYet to rateSupporting research into global atmospheric chemistryYet to rateSacrificing political powerYet to rateRegulating building societiesYet to rateProviding incentivesYet to rateMaintaining educational facilitiesYet to rateIncreasing business management expertiseYet to rateImproving intersectoral approaches to communicable diseasesYet to rateImproving accessYet to rateExpanding consumer choiceYet to rateEstablishing shipping operationsYet to rateEnsuring witnesses testify against offendersYet to rateEnsuring wider crop protectionYet to rateEnsuring well planned eventsYet to rateEnsuring transparent and democratic governance of the GEFYet to rateEnsuring total student participationYet to rateEnsuring timely seed supplyYet to rateEnsuring term time limits for public figuresYet to rateEnsuring systematic planning sessionsYet to rateEnsuring sustainable energy in human settlementsYet to rateEnsuring sustainable development of fresh watersYet to rateEnsuring sustainable development of forest landsYet to rateEnsuring survival of speciesYet to rateEnsuring sufficient delivery pressureYet to rateEnsuring structural justiceYet to rateEnsuring staff welfareYet to rateEnsuring speedy ambulance arrivalsYet to rateEnsuring socially sustainable developmentYet to rateEnsuring social rights of the agedYet to rateEnsuring skilled medical treatmentYet to rateEnsuring service facility accessYet to rateEnsuring safetyYet to rateEnsuring right to freedom from double jeopardyYet to rateEnsuring right to a fair trialYet to rateEnsuring response to injusticeYet to rateEnsuring regular vehicle serviceYet to rateEnsuring regular systems maintenanceYet to rateEnsuring regular functioning systemsYet to rateEnsuring regular collection servicesYet to rateEnsuring rapid local serviceYet to rateEnsuring rapid follow-up to UNCEDYet to rateEnsuring provision of societal giftsYet to rateEnsuring proper machinery careYet to rateEnsuring project plans include indigenous practicesYet to rateEnsuring profitable marine harvestYet to rateEnsuring price stabilityYet to rateEnsuring political support for sustainable policiesYet to rateEnsuring political solidarityYet to rateEnsuring participatory process for programme planningYet to rateEnsuring overall space designYet to rateEnsuring optimum sales priceYet to rateEnsuring optimal operation of existing water projects in water investment strategyYet to rateEnsuring off-hours usage of facilitiesYet to rateEnsuring necessary physical maintenanceYet to rateEnsuring mutual economic benefitYet to rateEnsuring military errorsYet to rateEnsuring methodological citizen inputYet to rateEnsuring market integrityYet to rateEnsuring local repair expertiseYet to rateEnsuring legible lawsYet to rateEnsuring lasting energy servicesYet to rateEnsuring justice within the familyYet to rateEnsuring justiceYet to rateEnsuring just punishments for crimesYet to rateEnsuring just litigationYet to rateEnsuring inter-community cooperationYet to rateEnsuring independent researchYet to rateEnsuring helpful external relationsYet to rateEnsuring greater international securityYet to rateEnsuring government assistance to religious authoritiesYet to rateEnsuring full cost recoveryYet to rateEnsuring freedom from bond serviceYet to rateEnsuring flexible market schedulesYet to rateEnsuring fair competitionYet to rateEnsuring expert treatment accessYet to rateEnsuring existing group supportYet to rateEnsuring equitable complaint channelsYet to rateEnsuring equal parental attentionYet to rateEnsuring environmentally sound development adjacent to protected areasYet to rateEnsuring effectively equipped adultsYet to rateEnsuring effective protectionYet to rateEnsuring effective firearms controlYet to rateEnsuring crucial products accessYet to rateEnsuring credibilityYet to rateEnsuring corporate equipment maintenanceYet to rateEnsuring continuous information flowYet to rateEnsuring continuous external supportYet to rateEnsuring comprehensive treatment follow-upYet to rateEnsuring comprehensive administrative techniquesYet to rateEnsuring comprehensionYet to rateEnsuring competent tertiary industriesYet to rateEnsuring competent maintenanceYet to rateEnsuring competent judgesYet to rateEnsuring competent governmentYet to rateEnsuring compensation for discriminationYet to rateEnsuring civil defenceYet to rateEnsuring circulationYet to rateEnsuring capable aircraft pilotsYet to rateEnsuring best financial profitYet to rateEnsuring basic functional government approachesYet to rateEnsuring basic comprehensive trainingYet to rateEnsuring available medical personnelYet to rateEnsuring available income accessYet to rateEnsuring availability of basic reservesYet to rateEnsuring attractive public areasYet to rateEnsuring attractive housing areasYet to rateEnsuring adequate services deliveryYet to rateEnsuring adequate salaries for biotechnology experts in developing countriesYet to rateEnsuring adequate researchYet to rateEnsuring adequate protective practicesYet to rateEnsuring adequate preparation spaceYet to rateEnsuring adequate local government servicesYet to rateEnsuring adequate livestock dietYet to rateEnsuring adequate infrastructure in coastal zonesYet to rateEnsuring additional study opportunitiesYet to rateEnsuring active adult participationYet to rateEnsuring accountabilityYet to rateEnsuring access to regional scientific and technological information networksYet to rateEnsuring access to copyright protected worksYet to rateEnsuring a means of self-defenceYet to rateDelivering necessary public utilitiesYet to rateConsolidating independenceYet to rateConducting staff auditYet to rateBuilding consensusYet to rateAssuring sufficient domestic supplyYet to rateAssuring expressed conscienceYet to rateApplying affordable standardsYet to rateAcquiring low-cost building suppliesYet to rate MetadataDatabaseGlobal strategiesType(A) Abstract fundamental strategiesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NA1563DOCID11115630D7NID195952Last updateDec 3, 2024