1. Global strategies
  2. Eliminating discrimination

Eliminating discrimination

  • Combatting discrimination
  • Defending equal rights
  • Reducing discrimination
  • Fighting against discrimination
  • Doing anti-discrimination work
  • Promoting non-discrimination


Defending the rights of people to equal treatment under the law. Following up the implementation of equal rights legislation and directing the attention of relevant authorities to the gaps between the laws and their application.


The rise in xenophobia and new forms of racial and ethnic discrimination, including "ethnic cleansing", and in reported attacks on migrant workers, immigrants, asylum seekers and refugees are matters of serious concern.


UNESCO's programme includes the following: preventing discrimination based on racial, national and ethnic origin, religion or belief, or any other grounds, and discrimination against minorities.

According to UNITED for Intercultural Action, anti-discrimination work is, quite simply, the work that organizations undertake for and with the people that suffer discrimination. It is also the work that is done before the actual discrimination takes place, especially community work. The three most important principles in anti-discrimination work are: (1) Respect the wishes of victims and their families. You should not assume that you know what is best for them. You can tell people what their options and choices are but let them tell you what they think should be done; (2) Know what is going on. You should be informed of both possibilities and dangers of all people. Going into an unknown situation can be dangerous, be safe, be informed; and (3) Cooperation on all levels. You can be more effective when you work with local, national and international contacts. They can help you with their experiences, help you put pressure on authorities, etc.

The Treaty of Amsterdam (1977) restates the principle of non-discrimination in stronger terms, adding two new provisions to the EC Treaty. The aim of this principle is to ensure equality of treatment for individuals irrespective of nationality, sex, racial or ethnic origin, religion or belief, disability, age or sexual orientation. Article 12 of the EC Treaty (former Article 6) outlaws any discrimination on the grounds of nationality. Under the Treaty of Amsterdam a new Article 13 has been written into the EC Treaty to reinforce the guarantee of non-discrimination laid down in the Treaties and extend it to the other cases cited above.


Human rights education and the creation of a climate of tolerance and understanding between different communities should play a significant role in combatting discrimination. In this context, the different cultures, which constitute a common heritage of all, have an important role to play. Cultural multiplicity must be perceived as a means of enriching human values and strengthening human rights standards and not as an opposition to the universality of these rights. Sensitivity training in the early school years and the broader based community action programmes are important tools to achieve this objective.

Consideration should also be given to setting up community relations commissions not only in areas where tensions have actually emerged but also as a general mechanism in all communities. Such commissions could reinforce existing inter-group understanding and identify at an early stage the seeds of future tension so as to act preventatively. The participation of vulnerable groups in the elaboration of national and local plans of action is also crucial as a tangible recognition of their dignity and of the principle of equality.

One of the worst consequences of being a victim of discrimination is the feeling isolation. It seems that no one cares.




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Sustainable Development Goal #10: Reduced Inequality


Global strategies
(B) Basic universal strategies
  • Social activity » Work
  • Communication » Promotion
  • Defence » Conflict
  • Consciousness » Perseverance
  • Content quality
    Last update
    Nov 28, 2022