DirectingBroaderOrienting-DivertingYet to rateNarrowerRegulating output of productionYet to ratePointing to consumption prioritiesYet to rateDirecting research and developmentYet to rateDirecting refinement of production toolsYet to rateDirecting investmentsYet to rateDirecting international basketballYet to rateDirecting human energies and desiresYet to rateDirecting flow of property controlYet to rateDirecting exchangeYet to rateDirecting economic planning processYet to rateDirecting cooperationYet to rateDirecting assistanceYet to rateDirecting actionYet to rateCorodinating contacts among foreign ministriesYet to rateArticulating visionYet to rate ProblemDistortionUnpresentableMetadataDatabaseGlobal strategiesType(D) Detailed strategiesContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NA1423DOCID11114230D7NID200214Last updateMar 1, 2022