Vulnerability of intellectual property
- Inadequate protection of intellectual property
- Denial of right to intellectual property
- Intellectual piracy
- Theft of intellectual property
- Industrial piracy
- Lack of protection for industrial property
- Theft of commercial ideas
- Disregard of intellectual property rights
One of the earliest copyright disputes dates from sixth-century Ireland. St. Columba had copied out for himself a manuscript of the Latin Psalter, and the owner of the original, Finnian of Druim Finn, objected. The king ruled: "As the calf belongs to the cow, so the copy belongs to its book." A war ensued; the "copyright violator" prevailed and held on to the book.
Copyright is in crisis. Photocopying, sound- and video-recording, computers, and the net have all made it increasingly difficult for the owners of copyright to enforce their rights. Levies or legal penalties only patch the holes in an already leaky system. The flaw lies not in the technology or in our society, but in the very notion of copyright.