Threatened species of Rosaceae


  1. Threatened species of Persica
  2. Threatened species of Peraphyllum
  3. Threatened species of Kerria
  4. Threatened species of Mespilus
  5. Threatened species of Sorbus
  6. Threatened species of Sanguisorba
  7. Threatened species of Potaninia
  8. Threatened species of Alchemilla
  9. Threatened species of Stellariopsis
  10. Threatened species of Spenceria
  11. Threatened species of Spiraeanthus
  12. Threatened species of Xerospiraea
  13. Threatened species of Pourthiaea
  14. Threatened species of Amelanchier
  15. Threatened species of Sibbaldiopsis
  16. Threatened species of Holodiscus
  17. Threatened species of Lachemilla
  18. Threatened species of Horkelia
  19. Threatened species of Fragaria
  20. Threatened species of Agrimonia
  21. Threatened species of Comarum
  22. Threatened species of Amygdalus
  23. Threatened species of Oemleria
  24. Threatened species of Marcetella
  25. Threatened species of Bencomia
  26. Threatened species of Sieversia
  27. Threatened species of Chamaebatia
  28. Threatened species of Orthurus
  29. Threatened species of Poterium
  30. Threatened species of Hesperomeles
  31. Threatened species of Prunus
  32. Threatened species of Torminalis
  33. Threatened species of Aremonia
  34. Threatened species of Luetkea
  35. Threatened species of Docynia
  36. Threatened species of Lindleya
  37. Threatened species of Ivesia
  38. Threatened species of Kelseya
  39. Threatened species of Cliffortia
  40. Threatened species of Dendriopoterium
  41. Threatened species of Tylosperma
  42. Threatened species of Rhaphiolepis
  43. Threatened species of Geum
  44. Threatened species of Sarcopoterium
  45. Threatened species of Armeniaca
  46. Threatened species of Tetraglochin
  47. Threatened species of Micromeles
  48. Threatened species of Guamatela
  49. Threatened species of Cydonia
  50. Threatened species of Dasiphora
  51. Threatened species of Pyracantha
  52. Threatened species of Cerasus
  53. Threatened species of Laurocerasus
  54. Threatened species of Chamaemeles
  55. Threatened species of Aphanes
  56. Threatened species of Hulthemosa
  57. Threatened species of Potentilla
  58. Threatened species of Docyniopsis
  59. Threatened species of Pentactina
  60. Threatened species of Neillia
  61. Threatened species of Exochorda
  62. Threatened species of Heteromeles
  63. Threatened species of Stranvaesia
  64. Threatened species of Sibiraea
  65. Threatened species of Fallugia
  66. Threatened species of Eriobotrya
  67. Threatened species of Stephanandra
  68. Threatened species of Rubus
  69. Threatened species of Purpusia
  70. Threatened species of Purshia
  71. Threatened species of Horkeliella
  72. Threatened species of Sibbaldianthe
  73. Threatened species of Sibbaldia
  74. Threatened species of Cercocarpus
  75. Threatened species of Chaenomeles
  76. Threatened species of Pleiosepalum
  77. Threatened species of Spiraea
  78. Threatened species of Ulmaria
  79. Threatened species of Margyricarpus
  80. Threatened species of Photinia
  81. Threatened species of Leucosidea
  82. Threatened species of Physocarpus
  83. Threatened species of Padus
  84. Threatened species of Acaena
  85. Threatened species of Sorbaria
  86. Threatened species of Kageneckia
  87. Threatened species of Pyrus
  88. Threatened species of Drymocallis
  89. Threatened species of Waldsteinia
  90. Threatened species of Chamaerhodos
  91. Threatened species of Maddenia
  92. Threatened species of Filipendula
  93. Threatened species of Osteomeles
  94. Threatened species of Petrophyton
  95. Threatened species of Petrophytum
  96. Threatened species of Pygeum
  97. Threatened species of Duchesnea
  98. Threatened species of Novosieversia
  99. Threatened species of Hagenia
  100. Threatened species of Lyonothamnus
  101. Threatened species of Cowania
  102. Threatened species of Prinsepia
  103. Threatened species of Dryas
  104. Threatened species of Aruncus
  105. Threatened species of Neviusia
  106. Threatened species of Rosa
  107. Threatened species of Eriolobus
  108. Threatened species of Polylepis
  109. Threatened species of Malus
  110. Threatened species of Rhodotypos
  111. Threatened species of Taihangia
  112. Threatened species of Vauquelinia
  113. Threatened species of Pseudocydonia
  114. Threatened species of Malacomeles
  115. Threatened species of Gillenia
  116. Threatened species of Cotoneaster
  117. Threatened species of Basilima
  118. Threatened species of Porteranthus
  119. Threatened species of Quillaja
  120. Threatened species of Crataegus

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