Threatened species of Pongo tapanuliensis

  • Endangered species of Tapanuli orangutan


The Tapanuli orangutan Pongo tapanuliensis was discovered around 2017 in the Batang Toru Ecosystem, in the province of North Sumatra, the first new Great Ape to be found in a century. Only 800 individuals are believed to exist. This immediately makes the Tapanuli orangutan the most critically endangered Great Ape on earth. While protections have been achieved for nearly 85% of this red apes habitat, two potentially devastating industrial projects, a hydro dam and a gold mine expansion, are proposed in a sensitive area of connectivity inside the unprotected part of the forest.


In November 2017, scientists found that the orangutans in Tapanuli are a distinct species and not a subspecies of the Sumatran orangutan. They gave them the name Pongo tapanuliensis. Recent genetic analysis reveals that the new species is actually more closely related to the Borneo orangutan Pongo pygmaeus pygmaeus than to the Sumatran orangutan Pongo pygmaeus abelii. It is considered to be the ‘ancestral line’ from which the other two subspecies evolved when line it split 670,000 years ago.

Tapirs, Sun Bears, Sumatran Serow, Golden Cats and the critically endangered Sumatran tigers are also found in the forests of Batang Toru.


800 individuals – the last of their kind – live in the forests south of Lake Toba. Part of Batang Toru forest is protected, but other ecologically valuable areas with a particularly high orangutan population are not. The state-owned Chinese hydropower company Sinohydro wants to build a dam for a 510MW power plant in Batang Toru Forest, The dam would destroy the habitat of the Tapanuli orangutan and also isolate the individual orangutan populations from one another.


  1. Threatened subspecies of Capricornis sumatraensis
  2. Threatened species of Treron oxyura
  3. Threatened species of Trachypithecus cristatus
  4. Threatened species of Tapirus indicus
  5. Threatened species of Presbytis thomasi
  6. Threatened species of Pongo pygmaeus
  7. Threatened species of Parantica tityoides
  8. Threatened species of Panthera tigris sumatrae
  9. Threatened species of Otus spilocephalus stresemanni
  10. Threatened species of Nesolagus netscheri
  11. Threatened species of Lutra sumatrana
  12. Threatened species of Lophura hoogerwerfi
  13. Threatened species of Helarctos malayanus
  14. Threatened species of Euploea martinii
  15. Threatened species of Elephas maximus
  16. Threatened species of Dicrurus sumatranus
  17. Threatened species of Dicerorhinus sumatrensis
  18. Threatened species of Cochoa beccarii
  19. Threatened species of Chimarrogale sumatrana
  20. Threatened species of Catopuma temmincki
  21. Threatened species of Capricornis sumatraensis thar
  22. Threatened species of Capricornis sumatraensis milneedwardsii
  23. Threatened species of Ardea sumatrana

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