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Threatened species of Papilionoideae
Threatened species of Leguminosae
Threatened species of Securigera
Threatened species of Psorothamnus
Threatened species of Physostigma
Threatened species of Periandra
Threatened species of Onobrychis
Threatened species of Melliniella
Threatened species of Luzonia
Threatened species of Latrobea
Threatened species of Goodia
Endangered species of Pericopsis
Threatened species of Gonocytisus
Threatened species of Dysolobium
Threatened species of Phaca
Threatened species of Platysepalum
Threatened species of Spartocytisus
Threatened species of Notospartium
Threatened species of Pterodon
Threatened species of Riedeliella
Threatened species of Uraria
Threatened species of Templetonia
Threatened species of Lespedeza
Threatened species of Eminia
Threatened species of Indigofera
Threatened species of Pseudarthria
Threatened species of Neorautanenia
Threatened species of Ormocarpopsis
Threatened species of Swainsona
Threatened species of Trifolium
Threatened species of Pueraria
Threatened species of Sesbania
Threatened species of Halimodendron
Threatened species of Geoffroea
Threatened species of Echinospartum
Threatened species of Harleyodendron
Threatened species of Podalyria
Threatened species of Ornithopus
Threatened species of Ramirezella
Threatened species of Machaerium
Threatened species of Margaritolobium
Threatened species of Pearsonia
Threatened species of Myroxylon
Threatened species of Harpalyce
Threatened species of Orbexilum
Threatened species of Lecointea
Threatened species of Sphaerolobium
Threatened species of Zollernia
Threatened species of Lotononis
Threatened species of Vataireopsis
Threatened species of Petteria
Threatened species of Yucaratonia
Threatened species of Herpyza
Threatened species of Fissicalyx
Threatened species of Muellera
Threatened species of Lens
Threatened species of Leptosema
Threatened species of Trigonella
Threatened species of Hallia
Threatened species of Poitea
Threatened species of Neodielsia
Threatened species of Whitfordiodendron
Threatened species of Pultenaea
Threatened species of Ophrestia
Threatened species of Dolichopsis
Threatened species of Lablab
Threatened species of Macroptilium
Threatened species of Sarcodum
Threatened species of Myrocarpus
Threatened species of Paramachaerium
Threatened species of Holocalyx
Threatened species of Sophora
Threatened species of Teramnus
Threatened species of Ulex
Threatened species of Spathionema
Threatened species of Streblorrhiza
Threatened species of Endosamara
Threatened species of Eleiotis
Threatened species of Lupinophyllum
Threatened species of Psophocarpus
Threatened species of Ostryocarpus
Threatened species of Millettia
Threatened species of Fiebrigiella
Threatened species of Phylloxylon
Threatened species of Imbralyx
Threatened species of Pycnospora
Threatened species of Pisum
Threatened species of Rothia
Threatened species of Robynsiophyton
Threatened species of Zornia
Threatened species of Neorudolphia
Threatened species of Spirotropis
Threatened species of Platypodium
Threatened species of Vigna
Threatened species of Microcharis
Threatened species of Platycelyphium
Threatened species of Meizotropis
Threatened species of Rupertia
Threatened species of Schefflerodendron
Threatened species of Melilotus
Threatened species of Pseudovigna
Threatened species of Eremosparton
Threatened species of Pachecoa
Threatened species of Ebenus
Threatened species of Mucuna
Threatened species of Teyleria
Threatened species of Leptodesmia
Threatened species of Hoita
Threatened species of Mirbelia
Threatened species of Vicia
Threatened species of Laburnum
Threatened species of Otholobium
Threatened species of Oreophysa
Threatened species of Smirnowia
Threatened species of Hegnera
Threatened species of Nemcia
Threatened species of Neoharmsia
Threatened species of Lathyrus
Threatened species of Hesperolaburnum
Threatened species of Rhynchotropis
Threatened species of Exostyles
Threatened species of Grazielodendron
Threatened species of Maackia
Threatened species of Jansonia
Threatened species of Thermopsis
Threatened species of Rhynchosia
Threatened species of Gueldenstaedtia
Threatened species of Oxytropis
Threatened species of Gompholobium
Threatened species of Wisteria
Threatened species of Ramorinoa
Threatened species of Lonchocarpus
Threatened species of Oxylobium
Threatened species of Eriosema
Threatened species of Tetragonolobus
Threatened species of Mastersia
Threatened species of Rafnia
Threatened species of Kotschya
Threatened species of Tipuana
Threatened species of Mildbraediodendron
Threatened species of Parryella
Threatened species of Sauvallella
Threatened species of Haplormosia
Threatened species of Ononis
Threatened species of Spongiocarpella
Threatened species of Euchilopsis
Threatened species of Poiretia
Threatened species of Pongamiopsis
Threatened species of Etaballia
Threatened species of Leptoderris
Threatened species of Macropsychanthus
Threatened species of Plagiocarpus
Threatened species of Neocollettia
Threatened species of Galega
Threatened species of Lebeckia
Threatened species of Salweenia
Threatened species of Tadehagi
Threatened species of Retama
Threatened species of Ormosia
Threatened species of Dumasia
Threatened species of Phylacium
Threatened species of Phyllota
Threatened species of Orophaca
Threatened species of Xanthocercis
Threatened species of Walpersia
Threatened species of Paratephrosia
Threatened species of Priestleya
Threatened species of Wiborgia
Threatened species of Lembotropis
Threatened species of Pickeringia
Threatened species of Strophostyles
Threatened species of Otoptera
Threatened species of Uleanthus
Threatened species of Ptychosema
Threatened species of Dorycnopsis
Threatened species of Sarothamnus
Threatened species of Vatairea
Threatened species of Peteria
Threatened species of Rhodopis
Threatened species of Stylosanthes
Threatened species of Vavilovia
Threatened species of Teline
Threatened species of Sphenostylis
Threatened species of Hebestigma
Threatened species of Viminaria
Threatened species of Lessertia
Threatened species of Poecilanthe
Threatened species of Ptycholobium
Threatened species of Eversmannia
Threatened species of Piscidia
Threatened species of Dorycnium
Threatened species of Sweetia
Threatened species of Leucomphalos
Threatened species of Scorpiurus
Threatened species of Vandasina
Threatened species of Sinodolichos
Threatened species of Philenoptera
Threatened species of Lotus
Threatened species of Vermifrux
Threatened species of Medicago
Threatened species of Lamprolobium
Threatened species of Strongylodon
Threatened species of Soemmeringia
Threatened species of Orobus
Threatened species of Glycine
Threatened species of Marina
Threatened species of Fordia
Threatened species of Robinia
Threatened species of Microlobius
Threatened species of Hippocrepis
Threatened species of Glottidium
Threatened species of Vatovaea
Threatened species of Pediomelum
Threatened species of Hammatolobium
Threatened species of Nesphostylis
Threatened species of Pseudeminia
Threatened species of Platycyamus
Threatened species of Muelleranthus
Threatened species of Hybosema
Threatened species of Virgilia
Threatened species of Hedysarum
Threatened species of Geissaspis
Threatened species of Macrotyloma
Threatened species of Vaughania
Threatened species of Terua
Threatened species of Urodon
Threatened species of Taverniera
Threatened species of Nissolia
Threatened species of Euchresta
Threatened species of Padbruggea
Threatened species of Xeroderris
Threatened species of Hesperothamnus
Threatened species of Erinacea
Threatened species of Stracheya
Threatened species of Neonotonia
Threatened species of Piptanthus
Threatened species of Notodon
Threatened species of Oxyrhynchus
Threatened species of Erythrina
Threatened species of Mecopus
Threatened species of Luetzelburgia
Threatened species of Spartium
Threatened species of Hymenocarpos
Threatened species of Hardenbergia
Threatened species of Trifidacanthus
Threatened species of Panurea
Threatened species of Neodunnia
Threatened species of Sellocharis
Threatened species of Jacksonia
Threatened species of Kennedia
Threatened species of Myrospermum
Threatened species of Errazurizia
Threatened species of Pterocarpus
Threatened species of Shuteria
Threatened species of Sartoria
Threatened species of Psoralea
Threatened species of Lupinus
Threatened species of Gliricidia
Threatened species of Parochetus
Threatened species of Genista
Threatened species of Mundulea
Threatened species of Kunstleria
Threatened species of Kummerowia
Threatened species of Smithia
Threatened species of Hovea
Threatened species of Requienia
Threatened species of Glycyrrhiza
Threatened species of Dussia
Threatened species of Hymenolobium
Threatened species of Liparia
Threatened species of Paraderris
Threatened species of Wajira
Threatened species of Monopteryx
Threatened species of Pseudoeriosema
Threatened species of Lennea
Threatened species of Willardia
Threatened species of Isotropis
Threatened species of Sakoanala
Threatened species of Genistidium
Threatened species of Melolobium
Threatened species of Nogra
Threatened species of Tephrosia
Threatened species of Weberbauerella
Threatened species of Phyllodium
Threatened species of Swartzia
Threatened species of Tripodion
Threatened species of Rivasgodaya
Threatened species of Hypocalyptus
Threatened species of Eutaxia
Threatened species of Erichsenia
Threatened species of Paracalyx
Threatened species of Platylobium
Threatened species of Styphnolobium
Threatened species of Psoralidium
Threatened species of Petaladenium
Threatened species of Sutherlandia
Threatened species of Droogmansia
Threatened species of Taralea
Threatened species of Indigastrum
Threatened species of Galactia
Threatened species of Gastrolobium
Threatened species of Podocytisus
Threatened species of Pictetia
Threatened species of Flemingia
Threatened species of Sphinctospermum
Threatened species of Dolichos
Threatened species of Stauracanthus
Threatened species of Inocarpus
Threatened species of Nephrodesmus
Threatened species of Pachyrhizus
Threatened species of Dunbaria
Threatened species of Sabinea
Threatened species of Spatholobus
Threatened species of Pongamia
Threatened species of Ormocarpum
Threatened species of Sphaerophysa
Threatened species of Petalostemon
Threatened species of Polhillia
Threatened species of Humularia
Threatened species of Spartidium
Threatened species of Platymiscium
Threatened species of Phaseolus
Threatened species of Uribea
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