Threatened species of Mesogastropoda


  1. Threatened species of Xenophoracea
  2. Threatened species of Viviparidae
  3. Threatened species of Viviparacea
  4. Threatened species of Valvatidae
  5. Threatened species of Valvatacea
  6. Threatened species of Truncatellidae
  7. Threatened species of Triphoracea
  8. Threatened species of Tonnacea
  9. Threatened species of Thiaridae
  10. Threatened species of Strombidae
  11. Threatened species of Strombacea
  12. Threatened species of Rissoacea
  13. Threatened species of Ranellidae
  14. Threatened species of Pupinidae
  15. Threatened species of Poteriidae
  16. Threatened species of Pomatiopsidae
  17. Threatened species of Pomatiasidae
  18. Threatened species of Pleuroceridae
  19. Threatened species of Neocyclotidae
  20. Threatened species of Naticacea
  21. Threatened species of Melanopsidae
  22. Threatened species of Loxonematacea
  23. Threatened species of Littorinididae
  24. Threatened species of Littorinacea
  25. Threatened species of Liareidae
  26. Threatened species of Land operculates
  27. Threatened species of Hydrobiidae
  28. Threatened species of Hipponicacea
  29. Threatened species of Eulimacea
  30. Threatened species of Epitoniacea
  31. Threatened species of Diplommatinidae
  32. Threatened species of Cypraeacea
  33. Threatened species of Cyclophoridae
  34. Threatened species of Crepidulacea
  35. Threatened species of Cerithiopsacea
  36. Threatened species of Cerithiacea
  37. Threatened species of Batillaridae
  38. Threatened species of Atlantacea
  39. Threatened species of Assimineidae
  40. Threatened species of Ampullaridae
  41. Threatened species of Aciculidae
  42. Extinct species of Subulitacea
  43. Extinct species of Pseudomelanacea

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