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Threatened species of Menispermaceae
Threatened species of Ranunculales
Threatened species of Fibraurea
Threatened species of Coscinium
Threatened species of Penianthus
Threatened species of Legnephora
Threatened species of Dioscoreophyllum
Threatened species of Antizoma
Threatened species of Pycnarrhena
Threatened species of Orthogynium
Threatened species of Cyclea
Threatened species of Odontocarya
Threatened species of Menispermum
Threatened species of Syrrheonema
Threatened species of Carronia
Threatened species of Tinospora
Threatened species of Sphenocentrum
Threatened species of Hyperbaena
Threatened species of Stephania
Threatened species of Leptoterantha
Threatened species of Pachygone
Threatened species of Elephantomene
Threatened species of Cissampelos
Threatened species of Chondrodendron
Threatened species of Spirospermum
Threatened species of Triclisia
Threatened species of Pridania
Threatened species of Hypserpa
Threatened species of Hyalosepalum
Threatened species of Albertisia
Threatened species of Sinomenium
Threatened species of Pleogyne
Threatened species of Eleutharrhena
Threatened species of Synclisia
Threatened species of Macrococculus
Threatened species of Rhaptonema
Threatened species of Orthomene
Threatened species of Ungulipetalum
Threatened species of Pericampylus
Threatened species of Anamirta
Threatened species of Abuta
Threatened species of Tiliacora
Threatened species of Dialytheca
Threatened species of Tinomiscium
Threatened species of Haematocarpus
Threatened species of Syntriandrium
Threatened species of Synandropus
Threatened species of Kolobopetalum
Threatened species of Rhigiocarya
Threatened species of Cocculus
Threatened species of Sarcolophium
Threatened species of Strychnopsis
Threatened species of Jateorhiza
Threatened species of Parabaena
Threatened species of Platytinospora
Threatened species of Sciadotenia
Threatened species of Disciphania
Threatened species of Limacia
Threatened species of Limaciopsis
Threatened species of Somphoxylon
Threatened species of Arcangelisia
Threatened species of Telitoxicum
Threatened species of Sarcopetalum
Threatened species of Beirnaertia
Threatened species of Diploclisia
Threatened species of Epinetrum
Threatened species of Echinostephia
Threatened species of Anisocycla
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