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Threatened species of Melastomataceae
Threatened species of Myrtales
Threatened species of Pseudoernestia
Threatened species of Pseudodissochaeta
Threatened species of Poikilogyne
Threatened species of Phyllagathis
Threatened species of Anerincleistus
Threatened species of Amphiblemma
Threatened species of Tryssophyton
Threatened species of Blastus
Threatened species of Blakea
Threatened species of Dionychastrum
Threatened species of Osbeckia
Threatened species of Neodissochaeta
Threatened species of Pilocosta
Threatened species of Plagiopetalum
Threatened species of Marcetia
Threatened species of Clidemia
Threatened species of Rousseauxia
Threatened species of Sarcopyramis
Threatened species of Siphanthera
Threatened species of Driessenia
Threatened species of Tetrazygia
Threatened species of Macrolenes
Threatened species of Svitramia
Threatened species of Pyramia
Threatened species of Kerriothyrsus
Threatened species of Calvoa
Threatened species of Pseudosbeckia
Threatened species of Mallophyton
Threatened species of Scorpiothyrsus
Threatened species of Cailliella
Threatened species of Memecylon
Threatened species of Platycentrum
Threatened species of Stenodon
Threatened species of Creaghiella
Threatened species of Nerophila
Threatened species of Tylanthera
Threatened species of Henriettea
Threatened species of Pterogastra
Threatened species of Melastoma
Threatened species of Guyonia
Threatened species of Killipia
Threatened species of Plethiandra
Threatened species of Tetraphyllaster
Threatened species of Poilannammia
Threatened species of Lithobium
Threatened species of Mecranium
Threatened species of Loreya
Threatened species of Neblinanthera
Threatened species of Rhexia
Threatened species of Pogonanthera
Threatened species of Lavoisiera
Threatened species of Dicellandra
Threatened species of Monochaetum
Threatened species of Monolena
Threatened species of Centradenia
Threatened species of Henrietta
Threatened species of Enaulophyton
Threatened species of Spathandra
Threatened species of Adamea
Threatened species of Aciotis
Threatened species of Huilaea
Threatened species of Stussenia
Threatened species of Astronidium
Threatened species of Graffenrieda
Threatened species of Mommsenia
Threatened species of Warneckea
Threatened species of Gravesia
Threatened species of Dissotis
Threatened species of Hylocharis
Threatened species of Pleiochiton
Threatened species of Henriettella
Threatened species of Ochthephilus
Threatened species of Conostegia
Threatened species of Fritzschia
Threatened species of Tigridiopalma
Threatened species of Schwackaea
Threatened species of Eriocnema
Threatened species of Tateanthus
Threatened species of Tibouchina
Threatened species of Neodriessenia
Threatened species of Kibessia
Threatened species of Brachyotum
Threatened species of Necramium
Threatened species of Sonerila
Threatened species of Topobea
Threatened species of Adelobotrys
Threatened species of Loricalepis
Threatened species of Diplectria
Threatened species of Sandemania
Threatened species of Dichaetanthera
Threatened species of Otanthera
Threatened species of Poteranthera
Threatened species of Huberia
Threatened species of Microlepis
Threatened species of Ossaea
Threatened species of Haplophyllophorus
Threatened species of Votomita
Threatened species of Pterolepis
Threatened species of Oxyspora
Threatened species of Opisthocentra
Threatened species of Meriania
Threatened species of Astronia
Threatened species of Tococa
Threatened species of Fordiophyton
Threatened species of Dinophora
Threatened species of Salpinga
Threatened species of Ernestia
Threatened species of Bredia
Threatened species of Heterocentron
Threatened species of Tessmannianthus
Threatened species of Maieta
Threatened species of Ochthocharis
Threatened species of Macrocentrum
Threatened species of Myriaspora
Threatened species of Myrmidone
Threatened species of Orthogoneuron
Threatened species of Chaetolepis
Threatened species of Tetrazygiopsis
Threatened species of Vietsenia
Threatened species of Tibouchinopsis
Threatened species of Farringtonia
Threatened species of Feliciadamia
Threatened species of Trembleya
Threatened species of Calycogonium
Threatened species of Sporoxeia
Threatened species of Marumia
Threatened species of Rhodosepala
Threatened species of Charianthus
Threatened species of Cincinnobotrys
Threatened species of Rhynchanthera
Threatened species of Macairea
Threatened species of Tayloriophyton
Threatened species of Kendrickia
Threatened species of Antherotoma
Threatened species of Tristemma
Threatened species of Triolena
Threatened species of Phainantha
Threatened species of Pachyanthus
Threatened species of Pachycentria
Threatened species of Primularia
Threatened species of Leandra
Threatened species of Maguireanthus
Threatened species of Dolichoura
Threatened species of Axinaea
Threatened species of Oritrephes
Threatened species of Centronia
Threatened species of Pachyloma
Threatened species of Kirkbridea
Threatened species of Medinilla
Threatened species of Miconia
Threatened species of Stapfiophyton
Threatened species of Pternandra
Threatened species of Microlicia
Threatened species of Dissochaeta
Threatened species of Hypenanthe
Threatened species of Nepsera
Threatened species of Podocaelia
Threatened species of Heterotrichum
Threatened species of Omphalopus
Threatened species of Mouriri
Threatened species of Bellucia
Threatened species of Heterotis
Threatened species of Melastomastrum
Threatened species of Lijndenia
Threatened species of Merianthera
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