Threatened species of Leotiales


  1. Threatened species of Trichohelotium
  2. Threatened species of Skyttella
  3. Threatened species of Pteromyces
  4. Threatened species of Polydiscina
  5. Threatened species of Pezomela
  6. Threatened species of Dermeaceae
  7. Threatened species of Sambucina
  8. Threatened species of Hyaloscyphaceae
  9. Threatened species of Stilbopeziza
  10. Threatened species of Lagerheima
  11. Threatened species of Psilophana
  12. Threatened species of Sclerotiniaceae
  13. Threatened species of Pseudotapesia
  14. Threatened species of Orbiliaceae
  15. Threatened species of Eriopezia
  16. Threatened species of Pseudopeltis
  17. Threatened species of Hemiphacidiaceae
  18. Threatened species of Pseudotryblidium
  19. Threatened species of Robincola
  20. Threatened species of Trichangium
  21. Threatened species of Scutulopsis
  22. Threatened species of Starbaeckia
  23. Threatened species of Baeomycetaceae
  24. Threatened species of Neolectaceae
  25. Threatened species of Endotryblidium
  26. Threatened species of Mollisiaster
  27. Threatened species of Hyalinia
  28. Threatened species of Vibrisseaceae
  29. Threatened species of Endoscypha
  30. Threatened species of Lasseria
  31. Threatened species of Helotiella
  32. Threatened species of Phacidiaceae
  33. Threatened species of Roburnia
  34. Threatened species of Olla
  35. Threatened species of Livia
  36. Threatened species of Phragmiticola
  37. Threatened species of Mycomelanea
  38. Threatened species of Woodiella
  39. Threatened species of Lahmiaceae
  40. Threatened species of Solanella
  41. Threatened species of Phyllopezis
  42. Threatened species of Riedera
  43. Threatened species of Psilothecium
  44. Threatened species of Ascocorticiaceae
  45. Threatened species of Tovariella
  46. Threatened species of Orbiliopsis
  47. Threatened species of Pleiopatella
  48. Threatened species of Baeomycestacae
  49. Threatened species of Setoscypha
  50. Threatened species of Radotinea
  51. Threatened species of Melanormia
  52. Threatened species of Lahmiomyces
  53. Threatened species of Medeolariaceae
  54. Threatened species of Muscicola
  55. Threatened species of Tryblis
  56. Threatened species of Peltigeromyces
  57. Threatened species of Truncicola
  58. Threatened species of Lemalis
  59. Threatened species of Midotiopsis
  60. Threatened species of Laricina
  61. Threatened species of Tanglella
  62. Threatened species of Sarcomyces
  63. Threatened species of Loricella
  64. Threatened species of Iridinea
  65. Threatened species of Tromeropsis
  66. Threatened species of Pseudolachnum
  67. Threatened species of Hyphoscypha
  68. Threatened species of Melanopeziza
  69. Threatened species of Myriodiscus
  70. Threatened species of Rimula
  71. Threatened species of Parthenope
  72. Threatened species of Boliniaceae
  73. Threatened species of Themisia
  74. Threatened species of Muscia
  75. Threatened species of Malotium
  76. Threatened species of Merodontis
  77. Threatened species of Tubolachnum

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