Sterile working environment
If people spend eight hours of their day at work, and eight waking hours at home, there is no reason why their workplace should be any less of a community than their home. Yet this is often not the case. Most workplaces have an atmosphere that reflects only their function as places where money is made. For workplaces to function as communities, certain factors are critical. For instance, they must not be too scattered, nor too agglomerated, but clustered in manageable groups. Workplaces should be decentralized, but not so separated that a single workplace is isolated from others. Work communities need to be small enough so that people know each other, at least by sight; they should not be too specialized either, but should contain a mixture of manual jobs, desk jobs, craft jobs etc, so as to create a variety. Lack of common land within the work community, to unite the individual workshops and offices and where people can sit, eat lunches and make contact with one another, produces a sterile environment. Work communities should also be interlaced with the larger community in which they are located, possibly sharing services like restaurants, cafes and libraries.