Skin diseases in animalsBroaderDisorders of the skinPresentableAnimal diseasesPresentableNarrowerExudative epidermitisPresentableDermatophytosesPresentablePox diseases in animalsUnpresentableHelminths of the skinUnpresentableFlea allergy dermatitisUnpresentableDermatitis in animalsUnpresentableAlopecia in animalsUnpresentableAcanthosis in animalsUnpresentableWool maggotsYet to rateUrticariaYet to rateUlcerative dermatosis of sheepYet to rateUdder acne of dairy cowsYet to rateSweet itch in horsesYet to rateSaddle soresYet to ratePyoderma in animalsYet to ratePityriasis rosea in pigsYet to ratePhotosensitization in animalsYet to ratePediculosis in animalsYet to rateParakeratosis in animalsYet to rateParafilaria infectionYet to rateNecrotic dermatitis of poultryYet to rateLumpy skin disease of cattleYet to rateInterdigital cystsYet to rateHypodermosis of cattleYet to rateFowlpoxYet to rateEczema nasi of dogsYet to rateDermatophilosisYet to rateCuterebra infestation in small animalsYet to rateContagious ecthyma in animalsYet to rateCongenital anomalies of the skin, hair and nailsYet to rateAggravatesInfected animalsUnpresentableAggravated byBedbugsPresentableValueDiseaseYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseWorld problemsType(D) Detailed problemsBiological classificationN/ASubjectMedicine » PathologyMedicine » SkinZoology » AnimalsContent qualityUnpresentable UnpresentableLanguageEnglish1A4ND9667DOCID11496670D7NID132578Last updateOct 4, 2020