Lack of legal standingBroaderRestrictive legal practicesPresentableInequality before the lawUnpresentableDenial of right to recognition as a person before the lawUnpresentableIneffective legal systemYet to rateNarrowerIncompetence under lawUnpresentableDenial to animals of legal protection of their rightsUnpresentableDenial of rights of inanimate objectsYet to rateAggravatesLack of protection for the vulnerableUnpresentableUnclear legal responsibilityYet to ratePrivatization of justiceYet to rateAggravated byLegal contract system reduced to individual needsPresentableDenial of the right to ownershipUnpresentableOwnership as a basis for land allocationYet to rateRelatedUnderutilization of legal rightsYet to rateInstitutionalized patientsYet to rateValueStandingYet to rateLackYet to rateIllegalityYet to rateSDGMetadataDatabaseWorld problemsType(E) Emanations of other problemsBiological classificationN/ASubjectLaw » LegalitySocietal problems » ScarcityContent qualityUnpresentable UnpresentableLanguageEnglish1A4NJ0568DOCID12005680D7NID139402Last updateOct 4, 2020