Infected birdsBroaderInfected animalsUnpresentableDomestic animals as carriers of animal diseasesUnpresentableAggravatesBirds as vectors of diseaseUnpresentableAggravated byAvian influenzaPresentableThrush in chickensUnpresentableMycoplasma synoviae infection of poultryUnpresentableMycoplasma meleagridis infection of turkeysUnpresentableMycoplasma gallisepticum infection in poultryUnpresentableDiseases of poultryUnpresentableBlood sporozoa of birdsUnpresentableViral arthritis in poultryYet to rateTurkey coryzaYet to rateTrichomoniasis in poultryYet to rateSwollen head syndromeYet to rateSudden death syndrome in chickensYet to rateRotaviral infections in chickensYet to rateQuail bronchitisYet to ratePasteurella antipestifer infectionYet to rateParrot feverYet to rateParatyphoid infection in poultryYet to rateManson's eyeworm infection in poultryYet to rateMalabsorption syndrome of chickensYet to rateLymphoid leukosis of chickensYet to rateInfectious laryngotracheitis in poultryYet to rateInfectious laryngotracheitisYet to rateInfectious coryza in poultryYet to rateInfectious bursal disease of chickensYet to rateInfectious bronchitis in poultryYet to rateHistomoniasis in poultryYet to rateHaemorrhagic anaemia syndrome in chickensYet to rateGapeworm infectionYet to rateFluke infections in birdsYet to rateErysipelothrix infectionYet to rateDisasters of extraterrestrial originYet to rateDigestive tract helminthiasis of poultryYet to rateCoccidiosisYet to rateAvian vibrionic hepatitisYet to rateArizona infection of poultryYet to rateStrategyTreating infected birdsYet to rateValueInfectionYet to rateReferenceMcFerran, J B and McNulty, M S: Virus Infections of BirdsMetadataDatabaseWorld problemsType(D) Detailed problemsBiological classificationN/ASubjectBirds, mammals » BirdsMedicine » PathologyContent qualityUnpresentable UnpresentableLanguageEnglish1A4NJ3676DOCID12036760D7NID141705Last updateOct 4, 2020