Diseases of the earDiseases of the mastoid processEar tumourInfection of the earEaracheEardrum injuryBroaderDisorders of the sense organsYet to rateNarrowerVestibular disordersPresentableTinnitusPresentableMénière's diseasePresentableLabyrinthitisPresentableHearing defectsPresentableDeafnessPresentableAcoustic traumaPresentableAcoustic neuromaPresentableOtosclerosisUnpresentableOtitisUnpresentableOssicular necrosisUnpresentableNecrotic ear syndrome of swineUnpresentableDeaf mutismUnpresentableTumours of the external earYet to rateSalpingitisYet to rateRhinosalpingitisYet to ratePresbycusisYet to ratePerichondritisYet to rateMastoiditisYet to rateHaematoma of the ear in animalsYet to rateExcessive waxYet to rateEar ossicle fusionYet to rateDermatitis of the pinnaYet to rateDeafness in animalsYet to rateCholesteatomaYet to rateAtresia of earYet to rateAggravatesDiseases and injuries of the brainPresentableSymptoms of sense organ diseasesYet to rateAggravated byCleft palateExcellentMeaslesPresentableFungal diseases of humansPresentableDiseases of the nosePresentableCommon coldPresentableTonsillitisUnpresentableDiseases of upper respiratory tractYet to rateRelatedDisharmonies of the Kidney in the bodyPresentableDisharmonies of the Heart in the bodyPresentableStrategyTreating infection of the earYet to rateStudying diseases of the earYet to rateAvoiding damage to earsYet to rateValueInjuryYet to rateInfectionYet to rateDiseaseYet to rateReferenceMawke, Michael and Jahn, Anthony F: Diseases of the Ear: clinical and pathologic aspectsSchuknecht, Harold F: Pathology of the EarBallenger, John J: Diseases of the Nose, Throat, Ear, Head and NeckMaran, A G: Logan Turner's Diseases of the Nose, Throat and EarBecker, W, et al: Ear, Nose and Throat DiseasesSDGMetadataDatabaseWorld problemsType(D) Detailed problemsBiological classificationN/ASubjectMedicine » AnatomyMedicine » EarMedicine » PathologySocietal problems » AccidentsContent qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4ND2567DOCID11425670D7NID134901Last updateNov 2, 2022