Discrimination against women in divorce rightsActive prejudice towards divorcing womenPrejudicial treatment of women seeking divorceChained womenBroaderDiscrimination against women before the lawExcellentDiscrimination against women in public lifePresentableAggravated byDiscrimination against lesbiansExcellentSubjugation of woman to man in marriageYet to rateRelatedExcessive alimony costsYet to rateStrategyProtecting acquired legal rights of womenYet to rateValueSelfishnessYet to rateRightsYet to ratePrejudiceYet to rateMaltreatmentYet to rateDivorceYet to rateDiscrimination [D]Yet to rateDiscrimination [C]Yet to rateReferenceArendell, Terry: Mothers and Divorce: legal, economic, and social dilemmasSDGMetadataDatabaseWorld problemsType(E) Emanations of other problemsBiological classificationN/ASubjectSociety » MarriageSociety » WomenContent qualityUnpresentable UnpresentableLanguageEnglish1A4NE8879DOCID11588790D7NID149998Last updateOct 4, 2020