1. World problems
  2. Acquaintance rape

Acquaintance rape

  • Date rape


The term "date rape" covers a spectrum of incidents and behaviours ranging from crimes legally defined as rape to verbal harassment, verbal coercion and inappropriate innuendo. Date rape may be distinguished from acquaintance rape as occurring during a prearranged social engagement, and notably as the result of deliberately ensuring that the partner becomes intoxicated.


In the UK in 1992, 4,142 rapes were reported. Of those reported since 1985, only 30% of the attackers were strangers; 35% were acquaintances; the remaining 35% were intimates (husband, boyfriend). On the basis of a UK study, 47% of women do not consider being forced into sexual intercourse, having visited a man in his house, as rape. This view is shared by 49% of men. Similarly 12% of women do not perceive being forced into sexual intercourse with a superior at work as constituting rape.

At least in the contained world of fraternities and sororities on campuses in the USA, there are quite different expectations and models of behaviour for men and women. At the extremes, sorority sisters present themselves as paragons of virtue; fraternity brothers are expected to concentrate on uncovering their primordial masculine sexuality. Most women college students believed that the responsibility for avoiding physically threatening situations, such as date rape, lay with them. Few questioned the right of a man to take advantage of a woman who had been in his room of who had been drinking excessively. They believed that females should not drink too much, and should not leave alone. If a date rape occurs in these circumstances, the woman becomes the guilty party, and the judges are the women themselves.

In the USA it has been estimated that 17% of women have been raped by the age of 20, but 75% of them did not perceive this as rape because of the circumstances.


Some people think that date rape is just about passion getting way out of control, about runaway sexual urges. Statistics show, however that 75% of all assaults are planned out. And if you think about the passion "Boy do I need sex" argument, there are other ways of relieving sexual tension than intercourse. A person never needs to force someone to have sex just to "relieve sexual tension." It's about power and control, and a rapist's choice to have power and control over someone else.


Although one frequently cited study indicated that 25% of college women in the USA were a victim of rape or attempted rape, more detailed examination of that research showed that 73% of those categorized as rape victims did not themselves define their experiences as rape. Certain "rape crisis feminist" factions exaggerate the incidence of rape by postulating that women live in a rape culture in which they are powerless and in which free sexual consent is problematic, if not impossible. Thus rape may be defined to include the verbal coercion whereby a woman consents to unwanted sexual activity because of a man's verbal arguments even though these exclude verbal threats of force.

By campaigning against date rape, the feminist creates immense hatred and suspicion between men and women. Women are effectively advised to establish a virtual contract governing what will happen in the course of an evening. This destroys the free and easy relations between men and women which have long characterized the Western world. It parallels the fundamentalist campaign to restore the old ways in the Islamic world.


Marital rape



Unreported rape

Aggravated by

Needle spiking

Reduced by

Radical feminism


Campus romance
Internet rape
Yet to rate


World problems
(E) Emanations of other problems
Biological classification
  • Research, standards » Measurement
  • Content quality
    Last update
    Jun 19, 2022