Enhancing function of common domainsBroaderStable density gradient of local relationshipsYet to rateProtected low-density communication pathwaysYet to rateLocal focal pointsYet to rateInformal local perspective interface zonesYet to rateHospitability of communication pathwaysYet to rateDifferentiation by relationship densityYet to rateCycle of relationship reinforcementYet to rateBounded common small-scale interaction domainsYet to rateArrangement of structures ot engender fruitful interfacesYet to rateNarrowerRelative isolation of structural interface with communication pathwayYet to rateOverview of communication pathway from structureYet to rateOverview domains at interfaces of the structure with the external environmentYet to rateIntegrating points of perspective into common domainsYet to rateExposure of structural activities to communication pathwayYet to rateEnsuring function of common domain interfacesYet to rateMetadataDatabaseMetaphors & patternsType(MP) Patterns (Christopher Alexander)Content qualityYet to rate Yet to rateLanguageEnglish1A4NP1123DOCID12611230D7NID229663Last updateDec 2, 2024