Vital signs (ICA)
This state is of tingling in every moment; like a tautly coiled spring one throbs in anticipation, ready to pounce with a new eagerness into action. One can hardly wait; one can't sit down. An athlete may jump the starter's gun as the result of such an experience. These are the moments when even the stones seem to cry out.
A dimension of this is a sense of awe, that is fear and fascination. The fear is that this state will not last, it will somehow go wrong and one will not be able to stand it. The fascination is in the yearning to be in action: all of life is to be lived this way. One sets aside all doubt and commits everything to a specific course of action, deciding to "go for broke". There is a moment of emptiness on realizing that one's commitment is all there is; and one is filled with amazement at one's self.
This state is number 57 in the ICA Other World in the midst of this World.