1. Human development
  2. Soteriological existence (ICA)

Soteriological existence (ICA)


This is the realization that the ultimate cost of one's care is one's life, the knowledge that one is expendable and that the inevitable result of expenditure is death. It is like the trapeze artist who swings out into the air, giving it everything he's got, pouring himself into the effort for no rational or moral reason and even though he cannot know whether he will reach the other side; or the sheriff in the movie "High Noon" when he decides, against all good advice, to stay in town and face the gang that is coming after him.

There is a sense of awe, that is fear and fascination, as this reality dawns on a person. The whole of his life has been about this particular moment. This is the "big night" after all the dress rehearsals. Like an Olympic athlete who has set his heart on winning a gold medal, this is the big chance worthy of everything he can give. But it is not without serious misgivings that he decides to take the plunge. The question is, since he only has one life, is he sure he wants to put it here ? But then again, what will happen to him if he does not ? This is experienced as discovering one's own integrity and deciding to succumb to a sense of urgency. The decision to care means one knows a new kind of authenticity. One's life is changed forever and one leaves one's mark on history.


This state is number 40 in the ICA Other World in the midst of this World.


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Human development
(M) Modes of awareness
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Last update
Oct 21, 2022