1. Human development
  2. Six-fold knowledge (Systematics)

Six-fold knowledge (Systematics)

  • Transcendental knowledge
  • Cyclic knowledge
  • Experience of repetition


Precise knowledge is only possible through the observation of repetitive processes. Without repetition nothing can be done with potentiality. Repetition is experienced when identity, difference and relatedness coalesce into a single system, for which a minimum of six independent elements is required. Coalescence is understood as the property of structure whereby significance acquires depth and enrichment and yet retains the unique character associated with a particular event. As progressive cyclicity it is the most appropriate system through which to experience structures in the step-by-step process through which they achieve their significance as events. It expresses the two-fold character of creation and counter-creation and also the movement of the entire process towards a goal. Although potential energy can be stored up indefinitely, it can only renew itself through the repetitive two-fold action of a disturbing and a restoring force. Success in action requires a balance between attention to what actually is and what potentially might be; events continue to transform themselves even when their actualization is completed. This form of knowledge transcends the distinction of actual and potential by penetrating into a region where actual and potential are incessantly interchanged and interwoven. Knowledge of this kind always escapes from the limitations of any particular experience. It is transcendental because it cannot be acquired through sense-data alone. The senses do not perceive cyclicity. Transcendental knowledge involves direct participation in the eternal return.


The sixth in a sequence of twelve modes of knowledge, identified by J G Bennett, inspired by G Gurdjieff.


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Human development
(M) Modes of awareness
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Last update
Dec 3, 2024