1. Human development
  2. Shape shifting (Psychism)

Shape shifting (Psychism)


The individual experiences an alteration in form or substance. Shape-shifting is common in virtually all traditions, whether religious or folk, and in popular culture (Superman; Spiderman). It is an element of deep spiritual insight in Christianity, Hinduism and Buddhism. The significance of, say, Zeus appearing as a swan and Christ's transfiguration are so different as to make a universal meaning impossible. Nevertheless, there are certain similarities that can be classified.

(1) [Strategic deception]

. The individual intentional changes shape for reasons of aggression, seduction or trickery. Examples are: the Hindu god Visnu who constantly takes different incarnations in his fight against evil, and who even changes shape within a given incarnation (Rama, Krisna); the agent of evil or death appearing as a seductive young woman (Arthurian legends); folk stories where tricksters assume diverse forms, such as Loki of Nordic mythology.

(2) [Escape]

. The intended victim of an attack changes shape or has his or her shape changed to (not always successfully) elude the attacker, for example Daphne becomes a laurel tree to elude Apollo's amorous advances.

(3) [Punishment]

. The shape of an individual is changed as punishment for some offence. An example is Lot's wife becoming a pillar of salt. Another is the Hindu doctrine of reincarnation in different form depending on the way the previous life has been lived, and Plato indicates the same. Here even our present earthly shape is a sign we have fallen from some more desirable existence.

(4) [Liberation]

. False existence is replaced by true, the individual becomes "who I am before I was" in a mystic sense, as in Islam, or less mystically in the fairy stories such as that of the frog being restored to his shape as a prince. In Tao there is no permanent shape, but the path is endless change.

(5) [Immortalization]

. From the simple level of Narcissus in Greek mythology being transformed into a flower, through Plato's liberated souls becoming stars, the ultimate is the resurrection of the body, when the mortal, as St Paul says, "puts on immortality".

(6) [Confused identity]

. Here the shape-shifter inhabits two realms simultaneously. Examples are: Dionysos, being born twice, sometimes a female, when dead always returning; and the phenomenon of the werewolf.

(7) [Revelation]

. Observers are awakened or enlightened to a reality otherwise unnoticed. Both Krisna to Arjuna and Christ to His disciples revealed his glory otherwise hidden, shining like the sun.




Human development
(M) Modes of awareness
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Last update
Dec 3, 2024