1. Human development
  2. Shamanic journey

Shamanic journey

  • Soul flight
  • Out-of-body experience


When a shaman voluntarily enters an altered state of consciousness he may experience himself leaving his body and journeying to another realm. The soul seems to leave the body and to roam at will through the upper, middle and lower worlds. These journeys are used to acquire knowledge or power and to help people in their community. If the journey is to guide the souls of the dead to their resting place then the shaman is referred to as a psychopomp. The experience of the journey may be dramatic or dangerous, ecstatic or horrendous, demonic or divine. Although there may be the emotion of terror there is often an ineffable joy in what is seen and awe at the mysterious worlds opening before him. It is like a waking dream, one in which actions and adventures can be directed.

The journey is in three phases: preparation, which may be a period of isolation, fasting or celibacy; induction of an altered state of consciousness through rituals involving singing, dancing, drumming or drugs; the journey. There may be descent into into the lower world (perhaps through a cave, hollow tree or water hole) when the shaman sees himself diving deep into the earth and emerging in another world where he may seek information on medicine, recover a lost soul or placate an angry spirit. The fate of the whole tribe may rest on successful completion of this task. The lower world is often a place of tests and challenges. The middle world is this world. Journeying over it at will the shaman may seek and obtain information on hunting, weather or warfare. The upper world (entered from a mountain, tree or cliff-top) may involving the piercing of a membrane which has temporarily impeded ascent. He then may move among several levels, perhaps being assisted by a helping spirit. Ascent may also be in the form of a bird or through climbing the central axis connecting the lower, middle and upper worlds. The axis may be in the form of the world tree or a mountain, rainbow or ladder. The upper world journey may be ecstatic.




Human development
(M) Modes of awareness
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Last update
Dec 3, 2024