1. Human development
  2. Primordial wonder (ICA)

Primordial wonder (ICA)


This state occurs when an individual experiences the wonder of his own existence. It is not something one conjures up, but is rather what is experienced whenever one opens one's eyes to the amazing reality of existence and of one's existence. People speak of being in "a cloud of awe" or of "being overcome by the wonder of it all." The photographs of the earthrise from the moon invoked such a feeling in many people. It may be compared with Moses before the burning bush or someone standing in a great temple: such moments of transfixing wonder are often experienced.

A dimension of this experience is a sense of awe, that is fear and fascination. The fear is of not knowing what is going to happen; one is afraid that one is the only person having such an experience and that it will never go away. Once having discovered the wonder of it all one is trapped forever over the unfathomable abyss. The fascination is that something wonderful is happening which is going to bring a great change to one's life. The decision is to walk with one's head in a cloud of awe, to trust what is happening and embrace everything that is going on. After such an experience one cannot erase it, one is alerted to everything as significant, and is permanently ready for such moments to recur again and again.


This state is number 4 in the ICA Other World in the midst of this World.


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Human development
(M) Modes of awareness
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Last update
Oct 27, 2022