1. Human development
  2. Indeterminate consciousness in the sense sphere - functional (Buddhism)

Indeterminate consciousness in the sense sphere - functional (Buddhism)

  • Indeterminate consciousness in the sense sphere - inoperative


There are 11 indeterminate resultant consciousnesses in the sense sphere.

Three are without root-cause (unconditioned), that is without non-greed, etc, as cause of the result. These are the mind element as precursor to sense consciousness cognizing sense data. It interrupts the life continuum and is associated with equanimity (indifference). Then there is the mind-consciousness element. This occurs in two ways: (i) As common to everyone it is accompanied by equanimity (indifference). It cognizes the six kinds of object, determining at the five-doors (senses) and adverting at the mind door. The proximate cause is departure of one of the profitable resultant mind-consciousness elements or one kind of life-continuum. (ii) As special, appearing only in arahants, it is accompanied by joy. It cognizes the six kinds of object, manifesting as smiling or laughter about non-sublime things. The proximate cause is always the heart-basis.

Eight are with root-cause or conditioned. They arise only in arahants. Of these, 4 are accompanied by joy, that is: with understanding and unprompted; with understanding and prompted; without understanding and unprompted; without understanding and prompted. And 4 are accompanied with equanimity, that is: with understanding and unprompted; with understanding and prompted; without understanding and unprompted; without understanding and prompted.

All give rise to materiality, to postures and to intimation, except mind element which gives rise only to materiality.


In Hinayana Buddhism, 89 consciousnesses are enumerated in aggregate (khanda). Of these, 21 are profitable or moral, 12 are unprofitable or immoral and 56 are indeterminate (resultant or functional). The unprofitable all arise in the sphere of sense and desire, whereas profitable and indeterminate arise in sense, fine-material, immaterial and supramundane spheres.



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Human development
(M) Modes of awareness
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Dec 3, 2024